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Career and Technical Education

Modern Career Education: Across the Graduation Stage and into a Dream Job

For many, the smell of sawdust or the whine of a lathe was the smell of high school. For a long time, shop classes - as they were once called - were fading from a high school education as employers wanted students with college degrees.

The need from area businesses has changed again. Today’s employers want certifications and experience, and the smell of sawdust is now drifting out of the Career and Technical Education wing of the high school and might mingle with the smell of baking bread from the culinary training program, or hospital sanitizer from the nursing classrooms.

Modern career education courses are meant to get students the skills they need to cross the graduation stage and into a career -- something South Milwaukee's program is uniquely designed to do.

Latest from CTE

students on field trip

A group of sophomores and juniors recently spent the day in speed interviews with building trades professionals at the Milwaukee Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee.🔌

On her Word!

No matter what field is in your future, becoming certified in Microsoft Office products gives you a leg up on the competition!

Designing the Future

Students have the opportunity to become certified in Autodesk Inventor a powerful 3D computer-aided design program used by mechanical engineers who need to design and prepare for manufacturing.

Ready for the Future

No matter what field is in your future, becoming certified in Microsoft Office products gives you a leg up on the competition!

Work Based Learning Coordinator 

Chris Daniels
Located in the High School Student Services Office

SMWay Podcast: Learning a Living

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