High School Student Handbook
Preamble to Student Handbook
Students have a fundamental right to free public education. You have a corresponding responsibility to join with other members of your school community in establishing a climate for learning within the school. This handbook represents portions of school policies and guidelines that are essential to the efficient operation of the school district. It summarizes your basic rights and responsibilities as a student at South Milwaukee High School. These rights and responsibilities are complex issues, and you are cautioned that this handbook is only a guide; you should not use it as a final statement of your legal rights.
All students shall follow all new, revised or temporary district guidelines and rules related to the pandemic or other health emergency. The expectations for students within the orders, rules, and/or guidelines are considered additions to the Student Handbook. By acknowledging receipt of the Student Handbook and your understanding of the expectations contained herein for students, you are also acknowledging future pandemic-related orders, rules, and/or guidelines.
Non-Discrimination and Equal Educational Opportunities and Complaint Procedures
The School District of South Milwaukee is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all district students and to provide a learning and working environment free of discrimination based on a protected class of sex, race, religion, national origin, color, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability or handicap. No student may be denied admission to any school in this district or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any curricular, extracurricular, student services, recreational, or other programs or activities on the basis of the protected classes listed above.
If any student believes that they have been discriminated against based on an above category the student should first attempt to resolve the situation through the building Principal or Associate Principal. Formal written complaints may be directed to Jennifer Sielaff, Director of Personnel, Administrative & Legal Services, 901 15th Avenue, South Milwaukee, WI 53172 (see policy 411 and Rule 411).
General Information
Who To Go To For What
Go to the Main Office:
to see the Principal
to check for Lost and Found items
to have an announcement made for a student group
to pay financial obligations
to fill out an accident form due to being injured at school
Go to the Main Office/Attendance Desk:
to excuse an absence
if you arrive late to school
to pick up a pass to leave the building for a pre-arranged absence during the school day
Go to the Associate Principal’s Office:
if you are removed from class for behavior issues
to make a change in your emergency contact information (address, phone, or family information)
if you are 18 years old and want to fill out the Age of Majority form
Go to the Student Services Office:
for help in choosing courses/careers
for a personal problem or a concern about friends/family members
to add or drop a class
to see your cumulative record
for a school I.D. card
to get military information
for college or scholarship information
if you need transcripts
Go to the Activities & Athletics Office:
for information about school activity groups or sports
if you need an athletic locker
for information concerning your co-curricular eligibility (athletic and/or activities)
School Songs
Oh, S. M. High, our dear old S. M. High
We all are with you, tried and true
We always score on every field and floor,
Our teams will always prove true blue.
Rah! Rah!
Oh, S. M. High, our dear old S.M. High
We all are with you to the end
S. M., S. M., we can, we can
For we will win this game again!
Guardian of each thought and deed
May we follow where you lead.
With standards ever high
Aim your Rockets to the sky.
Red, white, colors bright,
Lead us on to glory.
South Milwaukee Alma Mater,
Help us to keep faith with thee
Hail to thee! Hail to thee!
South Milwaukee High!
Discipline Chart
Most disciplinary offenses fall into the categories in this chart. The "Minimum Action" listed is not necessarily for a "first offense". “Detentions’ include lunch, after school and/or Saturday detentions. “Suspension” refers to both in-school, where it is served in the In School Suspension (ISS) and/or out of school (OSS) suspension. Appropriate action in all cases is at the discretion of the administrators, and in accordance with state and federal laws.
Abuse of Driving or Parking Privileges |
Bus/District Van Conduct |
Cell Phones |
Inappropriate Use |
Chronic Disruption or Violation of School Rules |
Conduct Unsafe to Others |
Detentions-Failure to Serve |
Displays of Affection |
Disruption-Behavior |
Drugs/alcohol |
Electronic Devices |
Inappropriate Use |
Fighting or Assault |
Food and Beverages |
Failure to follow policies. |
Gambling |
Gang Activity |
Harassment – Hazing |
Name calling, profanity, pestering, tormenting, or threatening actions that are meant to demean another person. |
Harassment – Other |
Ignition Devices |
Matches, lighters, chemicals or other materials when used for ignition purposes are prohibited on school property by all students. |
Insubordination, Disrespectful and/or Uncooperative Behavior |
Inappropriate Use of Technology |
Laser Pointer |
Possession, use, sale and/or distribution of laser pointer or similar device while on school grounds or at school sponsored event. |
Loitering |
Students who are on school property outside of school hours without staff supervision and/or involvement in a sanctioned activity. |
Opening/Propping Open Outside Doors |
Propping any exterior door in an open position is strictly forbidden. Students found allowing unauthorized access to a building or propping open doors will be subject to disciplinary action. |
Parking |
Plagiarism/Cheating |
Rawson Property (before 4:00PM) |
The presence of High School students on Rawson Elementary school property before 4:00 on school days is prohibited unless students are approved on the SMHS Sibling Pick-up list |
Smoking/Vape/ Ignition Devices |
Prohibited on school property by all students.
Confiscation* and disposed
Theft |
Taking of school/personal property without permission. |
Vandalism |
Causing or intending to cause damage to the building or personal property (including computer tampering and graffiti). |
Verbal Abuse and Profanity |
Weapons, Guns, Knives, and Dangerous Objects |
* Confiscated items will only be released to a parent or legal guardian,
unless otherwise authorized by an administrator.
Student Policies and Guidelines
- Accidents and Injuries
- Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
- Age of Majority
- Arrival and Departure
- Assembly Procedures
- Attendance Policies and Procedures
- Bicycles
- Bookbags, Backpacks and Purses
- Building Access and Building Passport
- Bus Ridership Rules and Expectations
- Cases Not Covered By Specific Rules
- Cell Phone or Social Media Account Search
- Change of Address/Phone Number/Emergency Contact
- Classroom Conduct
- Closing Procedures
- Copied, Plagiarized Work or Cheating
- Corporal Punishment/Use of Physical Force
- Counseling Program
- Course Offerings
- Course Requirements
- Cumulative Records
- Dance Expectations
- Detentions
- Dress Code
- Disabled Access and Services
- Electronic Devices-Personal
- Emergency Procedures – Building Evacuation
- Emergency Procedures – Fire
- Emergency Procedures – 5 Student actions of the Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
- Emergency Procedures – Tornado
- Exam Policy
- Expulsion
- Fees and Financial Obligations
- Field Trips
- Food and Beverages
- Fundraising
- Grading Scale
- Graduation Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Gum
- Hall Passes
- Health Services
- Homebound Instruction
- Homeless Students
- Homework
- Physical Education Rules
- Honor Roll
- Identification Cards
- Illness During School Hours
- Incomplete Grades
- In School Suspension (ISS)
- Laser Pointers
- Leaving the Building During the School Day
- Library Media Center
- Lockers and Locks
- Locker Searches
- Loitering
- Lost and Found
- Make-Up Work
- Nutrition Services Guidelines
- Office Referral
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Parking and Parking Lot
- Personal Music Players
- Police Liaison
- Postings
- Private Property
- Rawson Park and Woods
- Religious Beliefs
- Repeating a Course
- Reporting Grades
- Residency
- Schedule Changes
- School Store (Orbit)
- Searches of Students
- Selective Service Registration
- Skateboards and Scooters
- Smoking/Vaping/Ignition Devices
- Student Aides
- Student Conduct
- Student Expression
- Substitute Teachers
- Surveillance Cameras
- Suspension
- Technology: Student Appropriate Use Policy
- Telephones
- Textbooks, Computers and School Materials
- Transcripts
- Visitors
- Withdrawing From School
- Work Permits
Accidents and Injuries
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered at the high school in many content areas. AP courses are more demanding than the accelerated courses and are designed to better prepare students for success in college. Selections are based on past academic record, faculty recommendation, and a sincere desire of the student to accept a more rigorous curriculum requirement.
Upon successful completion of AP courses, students are expected to take the College Board AP examinations held in May, which is used by some colleges and universities to grant advance credits. There is a fee for each exam (check website for current fees). See your School Counselor if you are interested in choosing AP courses.
Please note: AP classes will not be dropped once scheduled.
AP website: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/
Age of Majority
Students who have reached the age of majority (18 or older), and have completed the Age of Majority form through the Associate Principal’s Office and been approved, have the following rights and responsibilities:
1. To make decisions about their educational programming.
2. To submit excuses on their own behalf for absences. Students may be asked to provide a doctor’s medical excuse or other justification for excessive absences.
3. If suspended, students may be accountable for their own re-admission following the suspension.
4. Parents/Guardians are no longer responsible for the actions of their children when they turn eighteen; however, debts incurred by students prior to age eighteen are still the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
5. Those completing the Age of Majority form may choose to not have information or communication sent to parents/guardians. Parents/Guardians will be notified if a student chooses this option. However, if the student is still living with a parent/guardian, important information may be shared by the school with the parent/guardian.
Arrival and Departure
These procedures are set up for normal school day set up.
- Students must enter and exit through Door 29 (East side of High School in circle drive) or Door 8 (on 15th Avenue). No entry will be allowed at the Recreation Dept (Door 24).
- Door 29 will open at 6:45AM - students must wait in the Commons until 7:15AM to enter the building. They will not allowed into the building unless they have a pass from a teacher.
- Door 8 will open at 7:15AM.
- After 7:30am, late or late arrival students must enter through the High School main entrance (Door 9). Late students may not enter through the Recreation Dept (Door 24). Students who drive may not park in the staff lot if they are late. They must park in the student lot on the East side of the building and walk around to enter Door 9.
- The main High School door (Door 9) is NOT an exit at the end of the school day.
- Students and parents are not permitted to drive, or drop off and pick-up, behind the 6-12 campus by Rawson Woods at any time. This is not a thoroughfare.
- The drive into the school from the parkway is two-way, except after school from 2:50-3:15pm when the East exit (by the football stadium) is used for exit only to turn right and left.
- Students not involved in activities or meetings after school should leave the building by 3:30pm and not loiter.
Assembly Procedures
- Students must enter the assembly quietly and report to their assigned areas immediately.
- Students are not allowed to listen to music through any of their electronic devices.
- Respect speaker and subject.
- Applaud to show appreciation.
- Refrain from making distracting comments, stamping feet, yelling, or whistling during programs.
Students who exhibit inappropriate behavior may be removed and/or denied assembly privileges. Students will not be excused from assemblies unless it is during a regularly scheduled late arrival or early release time.
Attendance Policies and Procedures
Regular and prompt attendance is necessary for student progress and becomes part of the student’s permanent record. Poor attendance is a major cause for failure and dropping out of school. Both students and parents/guardians share the responsibility for good attendance. Disciplinary procedures for attendance infractions will be carried out as indicated below.
Absence Type – Excused Tardy - Any tardy where a student has a legitimate pass, arriving in a reasonable amount of time. Students who take more than a reasonable amount of time will be referred to an administrator through a disciplinary referral. (A student who is tardy for more than 50% of a class will be marked excused absent for that class.)
Actions Taken: Excused
Excessive Excused Tardies - Parent contact
Absence Type – Unexcused Tardy - Any tardy where a student does not have a legitimate pass for being late to class. (A student who is tardy for more than 50% of a class will be marked unexcused absent for that class.)
- Possible Actions Taken:
- Warning
- Detention(s)
- Parent contact
- Counseling intervention
- Truancy referral
- Second citation
- Each tardy: teacher issued consequence and/or contact home
- 10 tardies in a semester, across entire course schedule:
Admin team issues half day of in-school suspension, no phone, contacts parent/guardian - 20 tardies in a semester, across entire course schedule:
Admin team issues full day of in-school suspension, no phone, contacts parent/guardian - 25 tardies in a semester, across entire course schedule:
Admin team refers student for a Truancy Citation, contacts parent/guardian
Absence Type – Unexcused Absence (full day) – Any full day absence where a student does not have a legitimate excuse.
Possible Actions Taken:
- Letter
- Parent conference
- Counseling intervention
- Referral to police for citation
- Home visit
- Truancy referral
- Second citation
- Detentions
Absence Type – Unexcused Absence (single period) –Any single period absence where a student does not have a legitimate excuse.
Possible Actions Taken:
- Letter
- Parent conference
- Counseling intervention
- Referral to police for citation
- Truancy referral
- Second citation
- Detentions
Absence Type – Excessive Excused Absences – More than ten (10) excused absences. See Attendance Letters below.
*Failure to serve any administrator issued detention will result in administrative discipline, which will be up to his/her discretion based on the infraction.
Five Day Attendance Concern Letter – this letter will be sent to a parent/guardian for a student who has missed 34 class periods excused or unexcused in a semester. The purpose of this letter is to inform the parent/guardian that the student has missed the equivalent of five (5) days, and to express concern and the desire to help.
Day Attendance Meeting Letter – This letter is sent to a parent/guardian for a student who has missed68 unexcused class periods in a semester. The purpose of this letter is to schedule a meeting with the parent and student with school officials to create a plan to improve the student’s attendance. The letter will also address any legal ramifications for failure to schedule or attend a scheduled meeting, or if attendance does not improve.
School Actions
Once a student has missed 68 class periods (10 days) unexcused, parents are required to set up an attendance meeting with their a member of the admin team and their child’s school counselor. The purpose of this meeting is to do the following.
- Identify and barriers preventing the student from coming to school, and set up an action plan to eliminate any barriers
- Set up an attendance contract for Open Enrollment students
- Set up a date to assess the student’s progress
- Home visits will be utilized if students and their families fail to appear for a required meeting.
The above interventions were put in place to prevent further action, to include: Habitual Truancy Citation, Open Enrollment Exit.
Medical Excuse Letter – this letter will be sent to parents/guardians who have excused their student for more than 10 days without a medical excuse. The purpose of this letter is to inform parents/guardians that they will need to provide a medical excuse for any additional absences in order for them to be considered excused.
Hallway Sweeps
Periodically, administration may conduct hallway sweeps. When hallway sweeps are conducted, teachers will be instructed to close the classroom door after the bell rings and not allow any students to enter the room without a tardy/detention pass. During that time, students who are tardy and still in the hallways will be “swept up” and brought to the Commons. Administrators will issue appropriate consequences to all students who are brought to the Commons. The tardy/detention pass will gain them entrance back to their class. Teachers are NOT to count hallway sweep tardies against students in their classroom tardy policy as students are automatically being issued a consequence for being “swept up”.
School Board Policy
The District shall abide by and implement student compulsory attendance laws. State law requires each child between the ages of six and 18 residing in the District to be in school attendance (religious holidays excepted) unless the student:
- Is excused temporarily for physical or mental reasons;
- Has graduated;
- has been authorized to attend an alternative educational program;
- Has been excused by his/her parent/guardian prior to an absence in accordance with state law; or
- Has been excused by the building principal by his/her designee.
Any violator of the compulsory school attendance law shall be subject to penalties outlined in state law.
Students are expected to be in daily attendance at school unless they need to be absent for one of the following reasons:
- Personal illness, medical, and dental appointments
- Funerals
- Required legal appearances
- Designated religious holidays
- Family emergencies
- Driver’s examinations
- Approved school district-sponsored activities
- Prior approved absences that have been deemed educationally beneficial for the student by the school principal or designee. (The student must obtain a prearranged absence form from the Attendance Office and have it completed and returned to the Attendance Office at least three days prior to their absence.)
- The school board may excuse a student who is temporarily not in proper physical or mental condition to attend school. An excuse under this condition shall be in writing and shall state the duration of time, not to exceed 30 days. Students with excused absences are entitled to make up work and are responsible for doing so.
Absences not excused within 72 hours from the date of absence will remain unexcused unless approved by an administrator.
When a student is absent, a parent or guardian must either call or email the Attendance Office at (414) 766-5120 for each daily absence (written notes will not be accepted), no later than 2:00pm the day of the absence, with the following information:
- Name of student
- Reason for absence
- Estimated length of absence
Students are required to request homework directly through their teacher through email or Google classroom to keep up with their work during an absence.
When a student has excessive excused absences in a semester, an attendance notification letter may be sent to the parent/guardian. After 10 excused absences in a semester, the above procedure will be repeated. A conference may be scheduled (s.118.15, 431-Rule). Medical documentation may be required after 10 days to excuse additional absences.
If a call is not provided for an absence, a student will be marked unexcused. Correction of this will be the responsibility of the student, and s/he will be given within 72 hours from the date of absence for the correction. If this is not cleared within 72 hours, the parent/guardian will need to discuss clearing these dates with the student’s Associate Principal.
Ordinarily, the name of any student who is absent from all or part of a day, and for whom the school has not received notification, will be put into the school’s phone-calling machine at the end of each school day. The machine will call the student’s home in the evening to report the absence and ask that a parent call the Attendance Office the next day to advise whether the absence is excused or not.
Parents/Guardians may call the Attendance Office at (414) 766-5120 at any time during normal office hours to check on their student’s attendance.
Students, who are excused after the date of absence, but within the 72-hour limit, by a phone call or email from the parent/guardian to the Attendance Office, will be reflected as excused on the teacher’s daily absence lists.
Late Arrival or Early Release
Students with senior status (12th grade) may be granted permission for late arrival or early release with written approval from a parent/guardian if the following considerations are met.
- Student must have a GPA of 3.0 or better from the previous semester.
- Student must have 90% attendance from the previous semester.
- Student must maintain a schedule leading to a timely graduation with peers.
- Student must not have any discipline referrals resulting in a suspension from the previous semester.
- Student must be enrolled in three courses per term.
Students granted late arrivals are required to stay off campus until 10 minutes before the second class begins or students can check themselves into the library. Under no condition can the student be in the halls, walking around the campus.
Students granted early releases are required to leave campus in a timely manner or students can check themselves into the library. Under no condition can the student be in the halls, walking around the campus.
Students Age 18-20
Students age 18-20 may continue to attend school provided they meet school attendance requirements and are making progress toward achieving a diploma. The failure to demonstrate a good faith effort in attendance and achievement may be cause for their dismissal from school.
Truancy means any absence of part or all of one or more days from school during which the school attendance officer, principal, or teacher has not been notified of the legal cause of such absence by the parent or guardian of the absent pupil. Truancy also means intermittent attendance carried on for the purpose of defeating the intent of s.118.15.
Students who are habitual truants will not be able to participate in special activities including, but not limited to: school dances (i.e. Homecoming, Winter Formal, and Prom).
1. “Habitual Truant” 118.16(1)(a) means a pupil who is absent from school without an acceptable excuse under sub.(4) and s.118.15 for part or all of five or more days on which school is held during a school semester.
2. Habitual Truancy Follow-Up Procedure: When a student is identified as a habitual truant, the school shall notify the parents/guardian by registered or certified mail. The notice shall include:
a. a statement of the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility under s.118.15(1)(a) to cause a child to attend school regularly.
b. a request that the parents/guardians meet with appropriate school personnel to discuss the child’s truancy*.
*At the meeting the parent/guardian or child may request program or curriculum modifications for the child and that the child may be eligible for enrollment in a program for children-at-risk.
c. a statement of the penalties under s.118.15(5), that may be imposed on the parent/guardian if they fail to cause their child to attend school regularly.
3. Make-up Policy for Unexcused Absences:
a. A student must fulfill all course requirements to pass the course.
b. The school may not deny a student credit in a course or subject based solely on the student’s unexcused absences. Students will be awarded credit for make-up work completed during a detention period [s.118.16(4)].
Bookbags, Backpacks and Purses
Building Access and Building Passport
For school safety, South Milwaukee High School is a closed campus. All visitors are required to go through a check in process at the main office. Visitors entering the building must provide a driver’s license or valid State ID. Students are instructed to not open any outside doors for anyone requesting access and doors are marked to have all visitors report to the main office to gain access. Propping any exterior door in an open position is strictly forbidden. Students found allowing unauthorized access to a building or propping open doors will be subject to disciplinary action
If a student must leave the school building before the regular time, a Student Passport must be obtained from the Attendance Office. Under no circumstances should a student leave the building without permission. Students who leave the building without an authorized passport will not be allowed back in the building and will be considered truant and subject to disciplinary action.
Bus Ridership Rules and Expectations
Students are expected to behave appropriately while riding the bus. The bus ridership guidelines listed below are not all inclusive. The school district reserves the right to modify the rules and consequences at any time, and may use video cameras on buses to assist with disciplinary issues. All school rules apply while on a bus for school district activities or events. Students may be denied bus transportation if they fail to follow these important guidelines:
1. Ride only on assigned vehicles.
2. Do not push another person when getting on or off a bus.
4. Show respect for the drivers. They are responsible for the orderly conduct of all passengers and will report behavior problems.
5. Show respect for fellow students on the bus and share seats.
6. Drivers may require students to sit in assigned seats. Remain seated until the bus stops. Do not change seats unless instructed to by the driver.
7. Keep arms, legs, head and other objects inside the vehicle and out of the aisles. Each student must keep hands and arms to themselves.
8. Wait for the driver’s signal and cross in the front of the bus. If the student needs to cross the street in a different area, they should wait on the sidewalk until the bus leaves the area, and cross at the nearest crosswalk.
9. Quiet and normal conversation with fellow riders is acceptable. Yelling, screaming, or profane language will not be tolerated.
Cases Not Covered By Specific Rules
It is understood that the rules contained in this handbook are not all inclusive. The administration and teachers may take such action as is necessary and not forbidden by law to insure the discipline and operation of the school. Action may be taken with respect to any offense which interferes with the orderly conduct of the school or which affects the safety and welfare of students either individually or collectively regardless of the existence or non-existence of a rule covering the offense. Acts that are crimes outside of school are also considered crimes in school, and they will be treated similarly.
All students shall follow all new, revised or temporary district guidelines and rules related to the pandemic or other health emergency. The expectations for students within the orders, rules, and/or guidelines are considered additions to the Student Handbook. By acknowledging receipt of the Student Handbook and your understanding of the expectations contained herein for students, you are also acknowledging future pandemic-related orders, rules, and/or guidelines.
This handbook represents portions of school policies that are essential to the efficient operation of the school district.
Cell Phone or Social Media Account Search
The contents of a student’s cell phone will not be searched unless there exists a potential significant threat to the safety of a particular student, group of students, or school as a whole. Contents of cell phones may also be searched with student or parental permission.
The District may view, access, or use information obtained from a student or prospective students that can be obtained from a social media account without access information or that is available in the public domain.
The District may not:
- Request or require a student or prospective student, as a condition of admission or enrollment, to disclose access information for the personal Internet account of the student or prospective student or to otherwise grant access to or allow observation of that account.
- Expel, suspend, discipline, or otherwise penalize any student for refusing to disclose access information for, grant access to, or allow observation of the student’s personal Internet account, opposing a prohibitive practice with respect to personal Internet accounts, filing a complaint or attempting to enforce a right protected by the statute (Wisconsin Statute Sec. 995.55), or testifying or assisting in any action or proceeding to enforce such right.
- Refuse to admit a prospective student because the prospective student refused to disclose access information for, grant access to, or allow observation of the prospective student’s personal Internet account.
The District may request or require a student to disclose access information to the District in order for the District to gain access to or operate an electronic communications device supplied or paid for in whole or part by the District, or in order for the District to gain access to an account or services provided by the District, obtained by virtue of the student’s admission to the District, or used for educational purposes.
Change of Address/Phone Number/Emergency Contact
Classroom Conduct
Closing Procedures
The decision to close school due to weather or other emergency situations is made by the Superintendent of the School District of South Milwaukee. Official announcements for any school closing will be communicated through the phone calling system, posted on the District website, sent via Twitter, and may be heard over local Radio and TV Stations, including but not limited to:
WLTQ-97.3FM WKKV-100.7FM
WTMJ-Channel 4
WITI-Channel 6
WISN-Channel 12
WDJT-Channel 58
Copied, Plagiarized Work or Cheating
A student who submits work that is not his or their own, allows another student to copy their work, or is caught cheating will be subject to disciplinary and academic consequences. A student may be required to resubmit work for partial credit or may receive no credit. Incidents of copying, plagiarism or cheating will be examined on a case-by-case basis, and appropriate consequences will be assessed.
Corporal Punishment/Use of Physical Force
School District employees and officials may not use corporal punishment in any of its forms. School officials and employees are not prohibited, however, from using reasonable and necessary force:
- To quell a disturbance or prevent an act that threatens physical injury to any person;
- To obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous object within a student’s control;
- For the purpose of self-defense or the defense of others or for the protection of property in accordance with state statutes;
- To remove a disruptive student from school premises, a motor vehicle or school-sponsored activity;
- To prevent a student from inflicting harm on themselves; or
- To protect the safety of others.
Further, school officials and employees are not prohibited from using incidental, minor or reasonable physical contact designated to maintain order and control. The building principal shall be notified immediately after any application of force. Parents/Guardians of the student(s) involved shall be contacted by school officials and informed as to why their child was restrained.
Counseling Program
The high school counseling program provides diverse and comprehensive services both individually and in group settings and is designed to help students with their academic and/or personal issues. Students and parents can make appointments with their counselor, the school social worker, or school psychologist. The counselors help all students select suitable courses, complete programs, and register for classes.
Counselors also schedule the administration of standardized tests for students. Results from these standardized tests are used by students, parents and counselors in assessing interests and aptitudes.
Information on many post high school educational institutions is available through your school counselor. Meetings with college and technical school representatives are scheduled throughout the year and are open to Juniors and Seniors. Information on financial aid may also be obtained through the Student Services Office. Counselors, Social Workers, and School Psychologists respect the confidentiality of their contacts with students. Students and parents/guardians should be aware that there are situations in which this confidentiality must be broken. These situations would be, but are not limited to, reports of abuse, suicide attempts or threats, and other life or property threatening situations.
Students are assigned a school counselor on an alphabetical basis in grades 9-12. Change of counselor assignments may be arranged by parental request to the Principal.
Course Offerings
The South Milwaukee High School Academic & Career Planning Guide is available on the High School website. The purpose of the Guide is to serve as a resource to assist students and parents in establishing a course of study that serves as a springboard for post-high school goals. The links on the website contain valuable information that can be used to guide students through the process.
Course Requirements
Cumulative Records
Cumulative records contain a complete record of each student’s educational progress. These records are maintained throughout each student’s tenure in the South Milwaukee public schools. Upon graduation, part of the record is microfilmed for reference. Students and a parent/guardian may request to see their cumulative records at any time with their school counselor.
Student records shall be maintained to assist the school in providing the student appropriate educational experiences. Student records shall include all records relating to an individual student, regardless of format, other than notes or records maintained for personal use by teachers or other certified personnel who are not available to others and records necessary for and available only to persons involved in psychological treatment of a student. Student records shall be maintained in accordance with state and federal laws and established guidelines.
Parents and students have the right to: (a) inspect, review and obtain copies of student records; (b) request the amendment of the student's school records if they believe the records are inaccurate or misleading; (c) consent to the disclosure of the student's school records, except to the extent state and federal law authorizes disclosure without consent; (d) deny the release of information which has been designated as directory data; and (e) file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office of the U.S. Department of Education.
Dance Expectations
All school policies, guidelines, rules, and regulations apply during any school dance. The following guidelines also apply:
- Students, and their guests, should be prepared to present a current school, or other valid picture ID, when entering the dance.
- Students must not have any unexcused absences for two weeks prior to the dance. If a student has an unexcused absence during this time, they will not be allowed to participate in the dance. Student overall attendance must be 75% or better for the year.
- Administration has the discretion to disqualify students due to excessive failing grades.
- Students cannot be assigned an in-school or out-of-school suspension during a two-week time period prior to the dance. If the student receives an in-school or out-of-school suspension during this time, the student will not be allowed to participate in the dance.
- Students must remain in designated areas.
- Administration reserves the right to deny access to any guest who is not a student of South Milwaukee High School.
- Students who leave will not be permitted to re-enter.
- Guests must be pre-registered before the day of the dance.
- Guests from other schools must submit a signed permission slip from an administrator from their school by the deadline established for the specific event. Students may only bring one outside guest. Only High School students or grads up to age 20 may attend (no Middle School students).
- A South Milwaukee High School administrator must approve all other guests.
- Students are expected to wear appropriate attire, according to the clothing guidelines outlined in this Student Handbook.
- Students must enter within 30 minutes of the starting time.
- Students are required to leave the building within 30 minutes of the ending time.
- Dance movements or practices that suggest or simulate sexual activity are prohibited. Avoid excessive bending at the waist. Hands should be kept in appropriate areas. Students may dance front to back, but in a manner appropriate for a school event (swaying, remaining upright, hands in appropriate places).
- Students asking to have a guest form signed for attending a dance at another school will be held to the same expectations as a dance at South Milwaukee High School.
- Dancing determined by administration to be inappropriate (highly sexual in nature and/or uncomfortably provocative) will result in the following progressive discipline. A warning for the individuals involved. The warning will be indicated by the wristbands, for those involved, being cut off.
- If students are approached for a second time and warned about their inappropriate dancing they will be removed from the dance.
A detention is a period of time assigned to students for unacceptable behavior or failure to follow school rules. Detentions assigned by teachers are to be served with the teacher in a timely manner. Failure to serve a teacher’s detention may result in a referral to an administrator’s office. If a student should get more than one detention in the same day, the detentions must be served in the order assigned. An administrator will assign office detentions. Students are expected to follow the instruction of the administrator or detention supervisor. Failure to serve detentions may result in a suspension or other disciplinary actions.
Dress Code
Responsibility for the personal appearance of students enrolled in the District normally shall rest with the students themselves and their parents/guardians. Student dress or grooming should not affect the health or safety of students or substantially disrupt or materially interfere with the learning process or contribute to a hostile or intimidating environment within the classroom or school. Students shall not be unnecessarily disciplined for their choice of attire, jewelry or personal items. Students, parents and school personnel are expected to cooperate in efforts to ensure an emotional and physical safe learning environment free of disruption.
Substantial Disruption or Material Interference. A substantial disruption or material interference of the educational process may be found to exist when the District reasonably forecasts that a student’s conduct or attire may substantially disrupt the school setting or materially interferes with the rights of others.
General Requirements
- Each student has the right to determine personal dress.
- Clothing must be suitable for scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, technical education, and other activities where unique hazards exist. Safety or special purpose equipment shall be worn when required.
- Students must wear clothing including a shirt with pants, skirt, shorts or the equivalent, or a dress and footwear as required by state law. All clothing must have fabric that covers the front, back and sides.
- Clothing fabric must cover all private body parts and/or undergarments and must not be transparent (see-through) (waistband and bra straps excluded).
- Clothing may not cover a student’s face to the extent that the student is not identifiable (except clothing worn for religious or medical purposes or a mask worn for health reasons).
- Footwear such as shoes, sandals or boots shall be worn in the school buildings. Footwear must be both safe and non-destructive to school property.
- Reasonable variations from these requirements may be permitted by a building principal to accommodate student participation in approved activities such as for physical education classes (e.g., swimming) or other student activities (e.g., student theatrical productions).
Prohibited Apparel and Items
- Students shall not be permitted to wear the following:
- Any clothing, jewelry or personal items identifying an antisocial association or organization.
- Any clothing, jewelry, or personal items that display symbols, lettering or insignia that are associated with a hate group, violence, white supremacy, or that promotes hatred, intimidation or harassment.
- Any clothing, jewelry or personal items that use or depict hate speech or targeting groups based on sex; age; race; religion; color; national origin; ancestry; creed; pregnancy; marital status; parental status; homelessness; sexual orientation; gender identity; gender expression; gender non-conformity; physical, mental, emotional or learning disability/handicap; or any other legally-protected status or classification.
- Any clothing, jewelry or personal items that contain pictures and/or writing referring to alcohol, tobacco products, nicotine, sexual references, nudity, profanity, obscenity, unlawful use of weapons, and/or controlled or illegal drugs.
- Any clothing, jewelry or personal times that threaten the health or safety of any other student or staff member.
- Headwear, including hats, hoods and bandanas may be permitted in school buildings.
- Students may not wear hoods if the student is required or chooses to wear a mask for health reasons.
- Headwear must allow the face to be visible and not interfere with the line of sight to any student or staff (except clothing/headwear worn for religious or medical purposes.)
- Students may wear headwear for religious or medical reasons.
Regulation of Student Dress
Student dress shall only be regulated when, in the judgment of school administrators, there is a reasonable expectation that:
- A health or safety hazard concern exists as a result from the student's dress or appearance including possible membership in an antisocial association or organization as defined in Board policy;
- Damage to school property may result from the student's dress; or
- A substantial disruption or material interference of the educational environment or process will result from the student’s dress or appearance.
Enforcement, Notice and Sanctions
This policy shall apply to the instructional day and all District and/or school sponsored events and activities.
Building principals shall be required to ensure that all staff members are aware of and understand the requirements of this policy.
Staff will use reasonable efforts not to discuss with a student a dress code violation in the presence of other students.
Any student whose attire does not meet the requirements of this policy may be asked to remedy the matter by covering, changing or removing the non complying clothing, jewelry or personal item where appropriate.
Students shall not be disciplined or removed from class as a consequence for wearing clothing, jewelry or a personal item in violation of this policy unless the item causes a substantial disruption or material interference to the educational environment or process, poses a hazard to the health or safety of others or contributes to the harassment, intimidation or bullying of another student or staff member. However, a student may be instructed to leave the classroom briefly to change clothes. Consequences may be imposed if a student is insubordinate after a discussion.
Where the clothing or other items of personal attire that are found to be dangerous, illegal or in violation of this policy and cannot be remedied through a student changing their attire, a student may be directed to remove the item to be placed in a secure location for the remainder of the school day to be taken home at the end of the day.
In the event such item(s) may cause a safety or security concern, the item(s) may be taken away from the student.
Any item taken from a student should be promptly delivered to the main office. A parent conference may be required before an item is returned.
The District assumes no responsibility for the loss or theft of, or for any damage to, any personal attire, jewelry or items that a student chooses to bring to school or to a school activity regardless of when the loss, theft, or damage occurs or where the personal attire, jewelry or item is located/possessed at the time the loss, theft, or damage occurs.
The District is permitted, but not obligated, to investigate or otherwise resolve the loss or theft of, or any damage to, any personal attire, jewelry or items.
This Dress Code shall be published in the District’s student expectations handbook. Violations of the Dress Code are subject to District disciplinary procedures.
Disabled Access and Services
Electronic Devices-Personal
Cell phones, personal music players, and other electronic devices are allowed in the building. When entering a classroom, students are required to follow the school’s expectation of putting their cell phone in the designated classroom cell phone caddy. Students must follow the Technology: Student Appropriate use Policy included later in this handbook. Students using electronic devices to send text messages, make calls, use the Internet, or other non-class related activities without permission will have the item confiscated. Cameras, including the camera mode of cell phones, are prohibited to be used during the school day unless there is an educational need and the student has teacher or administrator permission. In addition, cell phones with camera capabilities are strictly forbidden in the physical education/athletics locker rooms and bathrooms. Electronic devices may be allowed at school-sponsored activities, including field trips at the discretion of administration.. Tablets and electronic readers are allowed in class if the student has cleared it with the teacher first. Reading devices need to be turned off and stored in their backpack or put in a locker when not in use.
Emergency Procedures – Building Evacuation
When the school administration deems it necessary to evacuate a building, an announcement will be made over the Public Address system. The following procedures must be followed during a building evacuation.
When evacuating the building, teachers should have a list of those students assigned to them at the time of the evacuation.
- Evacuation does not automatically mean that school is being dismissed for the day.
- All school rules are still in effect, including the use of cell phones.
- Two sites have been designated for evacuation of the 15th Avenue Campus:
- MIDDLE SCHOOL students and staff will move to Rawson Elementary School. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS & DISTRICT OFFICE STAFF will move to South Shore Athletic Club on the corner of 15th & College Avenue.
- Once students arrive at their site, no student under the age of 18 will be released from the site without permission from a parent/guardian. An administrator or their designee must speak to the parent/ guardian directly before approval will be given to be released. Students will remain at the site until a parent, guardian, or designated individual comes to pick them up. The School District requires all parents to update emergency contact information at the beginning of each school year.
Emergency Procedures – Fire
Evacuation is required any time the building fire alarm sounds. Teachers are responsible for acquainting each of their classes with the detailed directions for their room as posted. This should be done within the first week of school. Exit doors are listed on the sign in each room. Fire drills are held once each month during the school year.
- Walk briskly; never run.
- Stop all talking.
- Leave books and other materials in the classroom.
- Exit according to the directions posted in each classroom.
- The first students out should hold open all doors at the exit.
- The last one to leave the room must turn off the lights and close the door.
- Everyone must leave the building.
- Walk away from the building until you reach the designated outside area.
- Do not return to the building until you hear the “All Clear” from an administrator.
- High school classrooms that exit into the staff parking lot should move to 15th Avenue and/or the NW corner of the lot.
- When evacuating the building, teachers should have a list of those students assigned to them at the time of the evacuation.
- Evacuation of disabled students must be provided by the staff member supervising that student at the time of the evacuation. Assist the student to an area designated as “Area of Safe Refuge”.
- An activated fire alarm will require the evacuation of the entire 15th Avenue Campus, however, if the source of the alarm can be confirmed to be localized to one campus a full evacuation may not be necessary. An administrator will notify students and staff via the Public Address system for the campus that needs to be evacuated. Students and staff of the affected campus will remain aware of the situation until the “All Clear” signal is given.
Emergency Procedures – 5 Student actions of the Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
An announcement will be made over the Public Address system to initiate one of the 5 student actions of the Standard Response Protocol (SRP). In each action there are specific student and staff steps to take. The high school will train and drill on the SRP's throughout the school year. Please become familiar with the general concepts of the SRP.
Emergency Procedures – Tornado
A Tornado Drill is usually performed once each school year. In the event a tornado warning is issued, administrators will take responsibility for initiating the emergency plan of action via the Public Address system. Once the announcement is made, the following procedures should be followed.
- All students are to stay indoors, or move indoors if outdoors. Wind-driven objects are a great danger to anyone outside.
- The safest places in our school are those rooms away from outside windows. Students will move directly to the designated areas, which are posted in each room.
- Students are to sit or kneel on the floor, with heads held down, close together, faced away from any glass, outside wall, or door.
- Students should remain calm and quiet.
- The plan of action will remain in effect until an administrator announces the “All Clear” over the P.A. system.
- Evacuation of disabled students must be provided by the staff member supervising that student at the time of the evacuation. Assist the student to the designated area for that classroom.
- After Dismissal: If a tornado warning is issued, and a student is on the 6-12 campus, the student is required to go to a designated safe area and WILL NOT be released until the tornado warning has expired. A student may be released from a safe area prior to an “all-clear” only through parent/guardian authorization or self-authorization if the student has completed an age of majority form.
Tornado Watch: means conditions are such that a tornado might develop.
Tornado Warning: means that a tornado has been sighted.
Exam Policy
To qualify for final exam exemptions students must meet the eligibility requirements. Course syllabus will include information informing students whether final exams can or cannot be exempted (transcripted credit or advanced standing agreements may impact this decision.) The criteria to allow or not allow a student to exempt a final exam will be consistent among all teachers teaching the same course. Students who become ineligible after the initial sign-up may be denied exemption privileges up to the day of the exam. Administrators will notify students who become ineligible after being notified of the reason by the teacher.
Students arriving 10-minutes late for an exam will not be allowed to take the exam. They will need to make arrangements with their teacher to make-up the exam during the allotted times during exam days.
Exam Exemption Eligibility Requirements
- A student’s class average at the time of the request must be an “A”, and the average must be maintained for the remainder of the course.
- Faculty will check academic records and notify students who qualify. Students will be notified of their exemption status from their teachers.
Allowed Exemptions
- SOPHOMORES may choose to exempt one (1) final exam for a class that ends in June, provided qualifications are met and maintained.
- JUNIORS may choose to exempt one (1) final exam for one (1) class that ends in January, and one (1) class that ends in June, provided qualifications are met and maintained.
- SENIORS may choose to exempt any final exam, provided qualifications are met and maintained.
The school board may expel a student from school whenever it finds that the interest of the school demands the student’s expulsion and finds the student:
- Is guilty of repeated refusal or neglect to obey the rules; or
- Knowingly conveyed or caused to be conveyed any threat or false information concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or to be made to destroy school property by means of explosives; or
- Engaged in conduct while at school or while under the supervision of a school authority which endangered the property, health or safety of others; or
- While not at school or while not under the supervision of a school authority, engaged in conduct which endangered the property, health or safety of others at school or under the supervision of a school authority or engaged on conduct which endangered the property, health or safety of any employee or school board member of the district; or
- Is at least age 16 years and repeatedly engaged in conduct while at school or while under the supervision of a school authority that disrupted the ability of school authorities to maintain order or an educational atmosphere at school or at an activity supervised by a school authority, and such conduct does not constitute other grounds for expulsion under Section 120.13(l)(c)l of the Wisconsin Statutes; and/or
- While at school or while under the supervision of a school authority, possessed a firearm [as defined by [18 U.S.C. 921(a)(3)].
(Policy 447.3; Wisconsin Statutes Section 120.13)
Fees and Financial Obligations
All students are required to pay annual school fees. Locks for students in Physical Education classes and for athletics will be issued free of charge. A replacement lock for any damaged, lost, or stolen lock will be issued at a charge of the current lock replacement cost as established by the School District.
District policy states that a parent/guardian is responsible to clear all school obligations for their children. Diplomas will be held until all outstanding fees have been paid in full.
Payment of school fees can be made online by credit/debit card through Infinite Campus, or by cash or check in the High School Main Office.
Field Trips
All field trips must be approved by the school’s administration. Students participating in a field trip must submit a completed permission form signed by a parent/guardian, and each of their classroom teachers, and pay all appropriate fees prior to the field trip. The South Milwaukee School Board must approve all overnight out-of-state/country field trips at least six (6) months in advance of the trip, or as soon as possible.
Students may be denied the privilege of participating in any field trip if they have a previous school record of violations that indicates they may be detrimental to the school if they were a part of the trip. This may include record of past substance abuse, poor attendance, excessive discipline records, or inappropriate conduct in classrooms. Appeals should be made to an administrator.
All school rules and regulations apply while on a field trip. Students are responsible for taking care of any make-up homework/class work when classes are missed during a field trip. We do not recommend that students participate in more than one field trip per week.
Upon return from a field trip before the end of the school day, students must either return to class or stay with a parent chaperone as directed by the field trip advisor.
Food and Beverages
Food and beverages should be consumed in a responsible manner. Teachers have the discretion to allow or not allow food and/or beverages in their classroom. Beverages outside of the Commons must be in a sealable and spill-proof container when being transported through the halls. Be aware that this is a privilege that can be revoked in the event that students do not treat the school environment with respect such as not disposing of garbage in a responsible manner.
During the scheduled lunch times, students must eat lunch in the Commons. Eating lunch outside the Commons, such as in classrooms, pods or the library is prohibited.
Special food deliveries (GrubHub, Uber Eats, McDonalds, etc.) will not be allowed during the school day unless there are special circumstances. Food delivered to the main office, or unauthorized door, will be sent back with the person delivering the food, and will not be accepted or delivered to the student.
When students arrive late to school with food/beverages purchased on the way to school, it shows that they could have arrived earlier if they had not stopped to purchase those items. They will be required to turn the product over to office staff upon entering the building and will be sent to class.
Grading Scale
- (90-100%) A = assessments indicate an advanced level of proficiency in understanding concepts and skills. The essential standards for this course are fully and consistently met and frequently extended.
- (80-89%) B = assessments indicate a proficient level of understanding concepts and skills trending toward advanced. Most of the essential standards for this course are fully and consistently met and occasionally extended.
- (70-79%) C = assessments indicate a proficient understanding of concepts and skills. Most of the essential standards for this course are met.
- (60-69%) D = assessments indicate a minimal understanding of concepts and skills. Few of the essential standards for this course are fully or consistently met.
- (less than 59%) F = assessments indicate failure to show evidence of meeting the essential standards for this course.
- I = insufficient evidence available to assess the essential standards for this course.
Graduation Policy
In order to graduate, students must successfully earn sufficient credits. Detailed information is available in the high school’s Career & Planning Guide course offering information on the High School website.
Early Graduation
Early graduation may be allowed if a student has completed the required credits. Students may graduate early at the end of their 7th semester. Students who graduate early may participate in the June Graduation ceremony. The Early Graduation application is available on the High School website.
Early Graduation Requirements
- Meets all credit requirements
- A documented plan
- If going to work: Job must be secured with a letter from the employer indicating start date of full time employment
- If going to college: Student must provide acceptance letter indicating spring semester start date
- If going to military: Letter from military branch/recruiter indicating basic training boot camp start date
- Exit interview must be conducted prior to Winter Break in December with student and interview team to discuss student’s Academic and Career Plan (ACP).
- Students need to declare early graduation status by December 1st of senior year.
- For requests that come in after December 1st: in the event of an extenuating circumstance (significant life change and/or need that requires early graduation):
- Student must meet directly with counselor/social worker/psychologist and administrator to discuss their personal situation;
- Letter written by student explaining the situation is required prior to the meeting
- If under 18, parent/guardian must approve the early graduation
- For requests that come in after December 1st: in the event of an extenuating circumstance (significant life change and/or need that requires early graduation):
Graduation Ceremony
A student shall be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony if they complete all required 25 credits for graduation and meet the attendance and behavior requirements for participation. All students intending to participate in the commencement ceremony are required to participate in all scheduled practices and observe established behavioral and dress guidelines.
Graduation Honors
The approval criteria for establishing honor students is as follows.
Valedictorian(s): The valedictorian is the student with the highest cumulative GPA.
Salutatorian(s): The salutatorian is the student with the next highest cumulative GPA to the hundredth decimal point without rounding.
Top 10%:
Determined by using a list of students’ cumulative GPA’s by cohort year.
If necessary, the hundredth decimal point will be used with no rounding.
Exchange students will not be included in the top 10%.
Honor Cords (Senior Honor Awards Program):
- Fifteen (15) quarters cumulative GPA is used to determine eligibility.
- Honor cords are given to any student who has a 3.0000 cumulative GPA or above.
- High honor - white and gold honor cord (3.5000 and above)
- Honor - double gold honor cord (3.0000 to 3.4999)
- Exchange students will not be included in the top 10%
Graduation Requirements
Students are required to attend the high school for four years in grades 9–12 (8 semesters), and must successfully complete all of the established requirements. Special education students must meet requirements as identified by their Individual Education Plan (IEP). A student must have attended South Milwaukee High School for at least one full semester to be eligible for a South Milwaukee High School diploma. Exceptions may be granted upon recommendation of the principal.
In order to graduate students must successfully earn 25 credits.
Credit Key:
1.0 Credit Awarded for the successful completion of a course that meets for two (2) Semesters or Full Year
0.5 Credit Awarded for the successful completion of a course that meets for one (1) Semester
(exceptions: Youth Apprenticeship, Internship, Co-op, Office Aide, Mentor)
Required Credits
4 credits English
.5 credit Careers
.5 credit Health
3 credits Mathematics
1.5 credits Physical Education*
3 credits Science
3 credits Social Studies
9.5 credits Electives
Detailed information about required & elective courses are available in the Academic & Career Planning Guide.
Per WI Act 55, all students are required to meet/pass a civics exam requirement for graduation.
*Note: Students unable to participate in regular physical education courses may be scheduled for adaptive physical education upon the recommendation of a physician or IEP. If a student cannot be programmed for an adaptive physical education class, a waiver for medical reason upon recommendation of a physician will be accepted. The credits must be made up in other areas.
Hall Passes
During class periods, students must have a school issued hall pass with the teacher’s name. Students in the hall without an appropriate pass will automatically be sent back to class. No hall passes will be written during the first five or last five minutes of any class period. All student aides must carry an office pass when performing assigned duties outside of the area they are assigned to work.
Health Services
School nursing services support students by managing health related barriers to learning. Direct services are provided to students through the combined efforts of the District Nurse, South Milwaukee Health Department, school office assistants, designated teachers, and health room/instructional paraprofessionals.
The District Nurse provides direct health services to students and works to promote a healthy school environment, student health, and learning. This person also trains our staff to care for students when the nurse is not in the building, how to use emergency rescue medications such as EpiPens, albuterol, and diastat.
When registering your child for school, completing the "health concerns" section is the first step for assuring appropriate care will be provided for your child while attending school. If your child's health professional has ordered a special healthcare procedure to be performed during the school day, Authorization Forms for Healthcare Procedures (general, catheterization, and g-tube feedings) are available from a District Nurse. Knowing something about your child is just the first step, however; we will want to work with you to develop a plan so your child can be safe and successful in school.
No school employee may dispense any medications, prescription or non-prescription, without written consent from a parent or legal guardian. Prescription medications may not be dispensed without additional written approval and instructions from the physician who prescribed the medication. Students found to be in possession of prescription medications may be subject to disciplinary action.
When students must take medication (including inhalers and EpiPens) during school hours for a chronic or temporary health problem, it is necessary to have the required written authorizations on file in the Health Office prior to the medication being dispensed. This written permission must state the amount of medication and the time it is to be administered. It is further understood that this must be done for each individual student with a health problem and each individual illness of a student.
All prescribed medications are kept in a locked area except as otherwise directed by the physician. All medication is to be taken under school supervision. School personnel cannot provide any medicine to students without written authorization from a parent/guardian. All medications not picked up on the last day of the school year will be destroyed.
Students are responsible for remembering to take their medication according to the schedule set up by the school nurse. Reminders will not be sent.
*Note: Students with inhalers used for asthma, or EpiPens are allowed to carry them while at school, under the following conditions:
- The pupil must use the inhaler or EpiPen for the symptoms for which they were prescribed.
- The pupil must provide the school with written approval of their physician and, if the pupil is a minor, the written approval of the parent or guardian.
- The student must show competency in use of an inhaler or Epipen.
Pupils may, at their option, provide the inhaler/EpiPen to a staff member when engaged in physical activity; in the alternative, the pupil may possess the inhaler on their person during such activities. If the student retains the inhaler upon their person, it is the responsibility of the student to advise the staff member that the student has retained possession of the inhaler when engaged in such physical activities. (s118.291)
Homebound Instruction
Homeless Students
The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth (twenty-one years of age and younger) as:
- Children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes children and youth who are:
- sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (sometimes referred to as double-up);
- living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations;
- living in emergency or transitional shelters; or
- abandoned in hospitals
- Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
- Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings.
- Migratory children who qualify as homeless because they are living in circumstances described above.
Please contact the Pupil Services Director, homeless liaison for the School District of South Milwaukee, at 414-766-5041, for additional information about homeless issues.
It is expected that most students in the High School will have some homework each night. The amount of homework required varies with the courses selected. Daily homework is essential if a student expects to meet the standards established for certain courses. The type of work a student does at home can be broken into three categories:
Preparation Homework
Preparation homework helps to prepare students for an upcoming lesson or unit. Teachers requiring preparation exercises may present them as a challenge to the students rather than have students read a chapter in their text and answer the questions at the end. This will minimize having students read the questions first and just search for answers, instead of reading the chapter in its entirety for comprehension.
Practice Homework
Practice homework is defined as work assigned to students to provide further opportunity to master the knowledge and skills taught in class. Through practice activities, students build confidence and develop greater understanding of the concepts covered in class. Meaningful practice activities engage students in applying learning in a personal way rather than promote random problems or the memorization of content. Teachers and students may collaborate to determine practice needs.
Work Done at Home (Not Homework)/Long Term Assignments
Long Term assignments call for students to go beyond the information obtained in the classroom. Examples of creative extensions of classroom assignments and authentic assessments of student are those that:
- require students to produce self-initiated projects;
- encourage individualized experiences, emphasizing production rather than reproduction;
- offer students the opportunity to think critically and engage in problem-solving activities;
- encourage students to delve further into the information presented in class and construct their personal model of understanding; and
- provide students with the freedom to show what they have learned through analysis, research, synthesis, and evaluation exercises.
These long-term assignments will not be calculated as part of the homework percentage of a student’s final grade as previously mentioned. It is the students’ responsibility to hand on long-term assignments on the due date set by the teacher. Long-term assignments that are not done accurately, but are completed on time and, in the opinion of the teacher, reflect genuine effort, will receive no less than 56% of the credit earned. How long and at what credit a completed long-term assignment will be accepted is at the discretion of the department/grade level team. This late work will receive no less than 50% of the credit earned if the work had been turned in on time. Work that is not attempted may receive a zero. Special circumstances such as legitimate absence, limiting conditions, etc., will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Students will receive a Class Expectations handout from each of the teachers on the first day of classes to clearly outline the homework guidelines for the class.
Students are required to request homework directly through their teacher through email or Google classroom to keep up with their work during an absence.
Physical Education Rules
At the beginning of each quarter, students participating in a physical education class will receive classroom policies and procedures from their teacher both in written form and verbally in group settings. Students will be asked to meet face-to-face with their teacher to verbally commit their understanding of the dress codes, jewelry rules, and swimming procedures. Students and parents will be asked to sign a copy of the written policies and procedures to acknowledge that they have read and understand them.
Physical Education – Excused From Class
- Single day request to be excused from class should be made by the student with their teacher. The teacher will send the student to the school nurse if the condition warrants. If a student feels ill, but not enough to go home, the student will be asked to dress in uniform and will moderate their activity level. (No student will remain in street clothes in physical education class.)
- If the medical excuse is for a period of time less than 10 school days, a short-term Action Plan will be implemented.
- If the medical excuse is 10 school days or more, the student will be required to re-take the physical education class.
- In the case of a permanent medical excuse, the graduation requirement of one and one-half credits must be earned through a Medical Action Plan. This plan notifies the students Counselor, Assistant Principal, School Nurse and Parent/Guardian of the guidelines to follow for credit completion.
- Students may not participate in intramural or interscholastic athletic events if medically excused from Physical Education.
- A physician must issue a medical excuse. It must include the following:
- Specific illness or injury and specific activities that the student is ALLOWED to participate in.
- Date to return to activity.
Students protected under Section 504. Certain health and/or medical conditions may require the district to determine whether a child is eligible for specialized physical education under a provision of the law titled Section 504. To be protected under section 504, a student must be determined to: have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Section 504 requires that South Milwaukee School District provide a free appropriate public education to qualified students in their jurisdictions who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activity. After a referral for Section 504 eligibility is made, an evaluation is conducted. Students qualifying for Section 504 would then have an accommodation plan developed detailing the child’s educational program including physical education.
Physical Education – Uniform
Students are required to wear a school approved gym uniform.
Honor Roll
Identification Cards
Students receive a picture identification card at the beginning of the school year. I.D. cards are needed to check out library materials, to use school computers, to attend school activities, and for use with lunch/breakfast accounts. Students are required to be in possession of their I.D. cards while at school and present them for identification when requested by a staff member. Failure to have an ID or refusal to identify yourself when asked will be considered insubordination and the student will be sent to their appropriate administrator. Replacement of a lost, stolen, or damaged I.D. is $1.00. Go to High School Student Services Office for all I.D. card needs.
Illness During School Hours
Except in an emergency, students must obtain a pass from their teacher before going to the Nurse’s Office for medical assistance or to call a parent/guardian to come and pick them up due to illness or injury while at school. An agent of the school will only release a student after speaking to a parent/guardian and receiving permission to release the student. Students who are excused to leave for the day should be picked up at Door #9 (main entrance of high school).
Incomplete Grades
When a teacher determines that a student does not have enough evidence to communicate students’ achievement levels in a course, a teacher may give an incomplete that is carried onto the transcript. Students will have an opportunity to replace the “incomplete” with a grade by completing and demonstrating proficiency on the required assessments within a two-week period for the current course. If the student fails to complete the work in the two-week period, the teacher will submit a grade change with the final grade reflecting both the grades earned for the work that was completed and the grades for the missing work (i.e. the final grade).
Note: Exceptions will be made with students for extenuating circumstances and will be up to teacher discretion with administrator approval. It will be up to the teacher and student to identify an appropriate timeline for work completion and grade change updates.
In School Suspension (ISS)
Placement of a student in the In School Suspension (ISS) will be at the discretion of the administration. Each case will be evaluated individually; the nature, number and seriousness of the offenses will be factors considered for placement. The administration may seek the input of school counselors, special services personnel, and classroom teachers in reaching this decision.
- Students assigned to the ISS will be in an environment that isolates them from their peers. Students will receive academic support, and be able to progress academically through involvement and support of staff.
- Students may be assigned for a part or all of a school day. Students must complete all time assigned to the ISS.
- Students may be required to write a reflection regarding the incident that led to their placement in the ISS, and how they may act differently in similar situations in the future.
- Students will not be allowed to sleep while in the ISS. They will be engaged in work.
- When all schoolwork is completed, other reading assignments will be available.
- No cell phones are allowed.
Laser Pointers
Leaving the Building During the School Day
South Milwaukee High School is a closed campus. Students who leave the building without permission will not be allowed to return due to safety concerns, including during lunch periods.
Students are permitted to leave the school campus if it is due to illness, excused appointment, or family request only if excused by a parent/guardian in advance of leaving. Students who need to leave the building must sign out in the Attendance Office before leaving. A parent/guardian must call (written notes will not be accepted) the Attendance Office to excuse the absence before the student leaves the building. Students who leave the building on an excused pass must also check back in at the Attendance Office when returning and bring their excused pass to be signed for re-entry.
Library Media Center
The library provides a variety of print and digital resources to students and faculty on a daily basis. Additionally the library is a space students can come to work on group work, independent work, or to hold club meetings. The library is open for student use during the school day with a pass from a teacher. Before and after school no pass is needed, however advisor or adult supervision is required if library staff is not present.
Use of Materials:
- Books from General Collection may be checked out for a period of three weeks. Books may be renewed as necessary.
- Notices for overdue materials will be sent out monthly.
- Students with lost library materials will have to pay replacement cost of lost materials.
- Students will be assessed repair fees for damaged books. If materials are beyond repair, replacement prices will be charged.
Lockers and Locks
Street Lockers: A street locker will be assigned to all students. All locks and lockers remain the property of the school.
- Students assume all responsibility for the contents of their locker whether content belong to them or not. The School District of South Milwaukee is not liable for any losses that they may incur; therefore, never leave a locker unlocked, tell others your combination, or share your locker with another student.
- Nothing packaged in a glass container, special ink, or cosmetic items should be kept in your locker. Lockers should be kept clean and orderly at all times.
- A fee may be assessed if additional cleaning is necessary. Students may not deface lockers in any manner. Permanent marking of lockers inside and outside is strictly prohibited.
- Students should minimize locker usage during classes.
- Students may not use empty lockers without prior permission of an administrator.
- Students are not allowed to share lockers. Contents may be confiscated for anyone in an unassigned locker.
Lockers are cleaned out the week after school gets out, or, in the case of a withdrawn student, a week after the withdrawal date. Items not picked up within one week will be donated to a charitable organization.
Physical Education Lockers: A physical education locker is assigned to each student for the quarter the student is enrolled in physical education. All locks and lockers remain the property of the school.
- Students assume all responsibility for the contents of their locker whether they are yours or not. The School District of South Milwaukee and the Physical Education Department are not liable for any losses that they may incur; therefore, never leave a locker unlocked, tell others your combination, or share your locker with another student.
- Students are expected to clean out their locker by the end of the quarter they are scheduled in a physical education class. Failure to clean out the locker such as leaving items behind, including personal belongings and/or garbage will result in the student being assessed a $5.00 clean-out fee.
- Students will have a one week period to collect personal belongings. If items are not recovered they will be placed in Lost & Found and donated to charity.
Locker Searches
All school lockers (including street, physical education, etc.) are the property of the school district. The district will at all times have exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. Periodic general inspections of lockers may be conducted by school authorities as determined necessary or appropriate at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. Personal belongings of the student found within the locker may be searched by the building principal or designee if there is reasonable suspicion that the search will turn up evidence that a particular law, school policy or school rule has been or is being violated. (Policy 446.1; Wisconsin Statutes Section 118.35).
Students are not allowed to go to other school district property at any time during the school day without permission from the office. No person shall loiter in or about any school or public place at or near which children or students attend or normally congregate. As used in this section, "loiter" means to delay, to linger or to idle in or about any said school or public place without a lawful purpose for being present. This section applies to students during the school day loitering in areas of school property without permission.
Lost and Found
Make-Up Work
When students have been absent from class, they should discuss and agree on a reasonable make-up date with their teacher. Length of absence, reason for absence, and course load should all be considered when setting the date. The teacher has a responsibility to give students any needed help and direction, but it is the student’s responsibility to see that all work is completed and turned in on time. See a Counselor or Associate Principal if there are special circumstances.
Students are required to request homework directly through their teacher through email or Google classroom to keep up with their work during an absence.
Pre-Arranged Absences
If a student knows they will be absent from school for two or more days for a non-school activity, the student must complete a pre-arranged absence form. These forms are available from attendance and should be completed and returned to the student’s Associate Principal at least three (3) days prior to the absence.
Make-up Policy for Suspended Students
By state law (120.13b), students suspended shall not be denied the opportunity to take any quarterly, semester, or grading period examination missed during the suspension period.
Make-up Policy for Unexcused Absences
A truant student will receive a zero or an incomplete for all routine class work missed. The opportunity to make up major exams or projects will depend on the record of the student and the nature and frequency of the offense. No public school may deny a pupil credit in a course or subject solely because of the pupil’s unexcused absence from school 118.16(4)(b).
Nutrition Services Guidelines
The High School Commons is open 7:00-7:25am for sale of breakfast on school days.
Cafeteria Expectations
1. Students must be in the High School Commons throughout their lunch period, until dismissed to class.
2. Food and beverages are not allowed anywhere other than the Commons.
3. Place all litter in the trash containers and return all dishes to the dish return window.
4. Practice good manners.
5. Do not wear jackets/coats, backpacks, or large purses in the food lines.
6. Do not go to street lockers during the lunch period.
Self-Serve Cafeteria Line
Students are asked to consider their choices carefully. Please ask servers if you have any questions about any offered dishes. If you touch it, it is yours. There will be consequences for “ditching” and theft of food.
1st offense | Warning |
Warning/Letter Mailed Home |
2nd Offense | Charged for item/letter mailed home | Charged for item + 5 day Removal from Commons-Bag Lunch in In School Suspension |
3rd Offense | Charged for item + 5 day Removal from Commons/Bag Lunch in In School Suspension | Municipal Fine $177.00-$429.00+10 day removal from Commons/bag lunch in In School Suspension (ISS)* |
4th Offense | Municipal Fine $177.00-$429.00+10 day removal from Commons/bag lunch in In School Suspension (ISS)* |
*Options available for working off fines at $8.00/hour and Community Service.
Nutrition Services Program
The School District of South Milwaukee utilizes a computerized debit system for its food service program. Each student receives an identification card at the beginning of the school year. Students scan their ID card, or type in their pin number in the breakfast/lunch line to pay for the meal, whether the student is paying in cash or on account. Theft of a student ID card or pin number should be reported to an administrator immediately.
Payment Options
1. It is recommended that parents pre-pay into a student’s meal account. This is easily done online at www.myschoolbucks.com, which is linked on the school district website www.sdsm.k12.wi.us. Parents may also send a check with a student to school, or by mailing a check to School District of South Milwaukee, Attention Food Service, 901 15th Avenue, South Milwaukee, WI, 53172. One check may cover all students in the family, if preferred, regardless of which South Milwaukee school they attend. Simply include student names, ID numbers, and indicate the amount to be deposited in each account on check or deposit slip.
2. Students may make payment into their account in the breakfast or lunch line, after scanning their ID card.
Special Notes
Cashiers will notify students when their meal account falls below $8.00, and will continue to remind them until payment is made. Charging meals will not be allowed.
Students approved for free or reduced priced meals will also use their ID card to purchase meals. The computer program is set to recognize a student’s meal status. There is no identification of their meal status to others.
Applications for free and reduced priced meals are available at student registration or in the High School office during the school year. Families may apply for meal benefits at any time during the school year when financial or household circumstances change.
Parents have the ability to view their student’s account balance and print a copy of their eating history, which shows all dates and times that the student has purchased a breakfast or lunch within the past thirty days, online at www.myschoolbucks.com. There is no fee for this service. Reports may also be requested from the Nutrition Services Department for further history by calling 414-766-5023.
Year-end balances will be carried over into the next school year, unless the child is graduating. If your child graduates or withdraws from the South Milwaukee public schools, you may request a refund of the balance, or transfer the funds to the account of a younger sibling.
Meal Prices
All prices are subject to change.
School |
Meal |
Full Pay |
Reduced |
Free |
Milk Only/ Extra Milk |
Elementary |
Breakfast |
$1.65 |
free |
free |
$.50 |
Lunch |
$2.95 |
$.40 |
free |
$.50 |
Middle School |
Breakfast |
$1.75 |
free |
free |
$.50 |
Lunch |
$3.30 |
$.40 |
free |
$.50 |
High School |
Breakfast |
$1.85 |
free |
free |
$.50 |
Lunch |
$3.30 |
$.40 |
free |
$.50 |
Adult (in student cafeteria) |
Breakfast |
$2.85 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Lunch |
$4.75 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
More information about Meal Deal, a la carte, and nutrition can be found on the school district website at www.sdsm.k12.wi.us.
Bad Checks Policy
The School District of South Milwaukee does not absorb the Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) service fee charged by the bank for checks written to the district/school that bounce. Individuals who bounce a check will be contacted to make their food services payment in cash, and will be charged for the NSF service fees. Make sure that you have sufficient funds in your checking account before writing a check to the district/school to avoid having to pay this additional amount. MySchoolBucks will block future online use for non-sufficient payments, as well.
Unpaid Meal Charges Procedure
The goal of the Nutrition Services department is to provide healthy meals to students during the school day. In order to serve healthy, high-quality meals to all students, we must make sure we are financially solvent. You play a key role in this effort, and are responsible for purchases made by your child on their Nutrition Services account.
The purpose of this procedure is to establish consistent meal account procedures throughout the School District. Unpaid charges place a financial strain on the Nutrition Services department.
This procedure will:
- Ensure that all students have a healthy meal and that no student goes hungry.
- Support positive and clear communication among staff, administrators, teachers, students and parent/guardian.
- Encourage that the parent/guardian will assume the responsibility for the nutritional needs of their student whether it be providing a cold meal or funds for hot meals.
- Promote self-responsibility of the student.
- Establish a consistent practice regarding charges and collection of charges.
General Understandings
- If the student brings enough money for a meal for that day, then the student will be able to receive a regular meal.
- All students with negative accounts will be prohibited from purchasing a la carte items.
- Parents/Guardians can add money to a Student’s Account by:
- Sending a payment with the student
- Paying via the My School Bucks online portal.
- Parents will make a good faith effort to keep their students account in good standing and if the account is not in good standing the parents will send a cold lunch with their student or make a deposit to the account.
- Student nutrition needs will be satisfied while in attendance at school.
Procedure for Collection:
Step 1: Once the student’s account gets to 85.00 or less, the cashier will notify the family that they are getting close to $0 and should consider making a deposit into their student's account.
Step 2: When the account falls below $0, the cashier will notify the parent/guardian that their student’s account is below $0 and that a payment is needed to make the account in good standing. In addition, the cashier will inform them that if the account falls below negative $10 a cold lunch should be sent with the student.
Step 3: When the account gets to (-$10.00) the School Nutrition Director or designee shall call the parents/guardians informing them of the account situation and inform them that the parent should deposit funds into the account and/or send a cold lunch with the student. Also, a letter will be sent home for the parents/guardians to fill out a Free and Reduced Meal Application.
Step 4: When the account reaches (-$20.00) the Principal or designee shall contact the student’s parents/guardians that the account is negative.
Step 5: If the account is not paid off after 3 school days of the Principal or designee contact, a letter will be sent stating that if the account is not in good standing in 2 days, the Principal will contact the parents/guardian and arrange a meeting to discuss the negative account balance.
Step 6: If the parents/guardians, after Step 5, still do not get the account back to good standing or the parents/guardians are not providing a cold lunch, then the department of Health and Human Service or other appropriate agency will be contacted to address the student’s need.
Office Referral
Students who are removed from class, athletic teams, or activity groups because of disruptive behavior must report to their Associate Principal or the Activities, Athletics, and Recreation Coordinator. Disciplinary action will be taken and parents will be informed. Reinstatement in the class, team, or activity group may be preceded by a conference with an administrator, a counselor, a parent and/or a teacher. If repeated referrals occur other steps may include but are not limited to detention, suspension, placement on a probationary behavioral contract, referral for special program testing, or drop from a class with a failing grade.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parents may make appointments at any time for conferences with teachers, counselors, or administrators by calling the High School office. We encourage parent conferences to discuss your student’s program, plans, or problems with the school faculty and staff.
Detailed information will be sent prior to each scheduled parent-teacher conferences. All parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the teachers of their students. Close contact with student’s teachers will facilitate success. Check the calendar for details on dates and times for conferences throughout the school year.
Parking and Parking Lot
Loitering in cars or in the parking lot is not allowed at any time. Students who park their vehicles on school property do so at their own risk. The School District of South Milwaukee is not liable for any damages that may occur.
School officials may search any vehicle parked on school property if they have reasonable suspicion that the vehicle contains weapons, drugs or other illegal items.
Students may not park in the lot without a registered state license plate displayed. License plates with confederate flags or other inappropriate markings will not be allowed.
All students must enter and exit the lot via the parkway. No traffic is permitted in the staff parking lot, including drop off and pick up before and after school and after activity/athletic events. Traffic from the parkway is two-way, except after school from 2:40-3:15pm when the East drive is used for exit only. There is no left turn onto 15th Avenue from the Oak Creek parkway from 2:40-4:00pm on days school is in session. Parents must drop off or pickup students in the student parking lot or on 15th Avenue. Students are not permitted to drive through the staff parking lot at any time. Violators may have their permit suspended or revoked.
Unauthorized or illegally parked vehicles may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
Personal Music Players
Using personal music players at assemblies or other special events is strictly prohibited. It is the discretion of the classroom teacher whether to allow students to use personal music players within the classroom. The use of personal music players within a classroom is a privilege that can be revoked at any time. Conditions for revoking this privilege include, but are not limited to: inappropriate conduct, tardiness, unexcused absences, acts of insubordination, and lack of academic progress. If others can hear the volume of the music, it is too loud and must be turned down. Students found to be using their personal music players outside the guidelines listed above will face the following consequences.
NOTE: If a staff member requests that a student hand over their device due to improper use, and the student refuses, the student will be automatically assigned to the In School Suspension by administration and will be required to turn over their music device to be picked up by a parent/guardian. If the student complies with the request, the consequences listed in the Discipline Chart will be followed.
Police Liaison
Private Property
Rawson Park and Woods
Religious Beliefs
The District shall provide for the reasonable accommodation of a student’s sincerely held religious beliefs with regard to examinations and other academic requirements, upon written request, and with approval of the building principal. Accommodations may include, but not necessarily be limited to, exclusion from participation in an activity, alternative assignments, and release time from school to participate in religious activities and opportunities to make up work missed due to religious observances. Any accommodations granted under this policy shall be provided to students without prejudicial effect.
If any student believes this policy was not followed correctly the student should first attempt to resolve the situation through the building Principal or Associate Principal. Formal written complaints may be directed to Jennifer Sielaff, Director of Personnel, Administrative & Legal Services, 901-15th Avenue, South Milwaukee, WI 53172. The phone number is 414-766-5011. (Please see Policy 411 and Rule 411 for specific steps and timelines).
Repeating a Course
Students are allowed to repeat a course; however, they may only receive credit for the course once. The grade the student receives in the second course will replace the grade earned the first time if the first grade was a, C, D, F or Incomplete. It is recommended that students repeat a course during summer school. It may not be possible to repeat a class during the academic year due to limitations in class size or the availability of the course.
Reporting Grades
A grade report will be issued to students following the close of each grading period. Academic achievement will be reported using letter grades. The letter grades are defined as follows:
- (90-100%) A = assessments indicate an advanced level of proficiency in understanding concepts and skills. The essential standards for this course are fully and consistently met and frequently extended.
- (80-89%) B = assessments indicate a proficient level of understanding concepts and skills trending toward advanced. Most of the essential standards for this course are fully and consistently met and occasionally extended.
- (70-79%) C = assessments indicate a proficient understanding of concepts and skills. Most of the essential standards for this course are met.
- (60-69%) D = assessments indicate a minimal understanding of concepts and skills. Few of the essential standards for this course are fully or consistently met.
- (less than 59%) F = assessments indicate failure to show evidence of meeting the essential standards for this course.
- I = insufficient evidence available to assess the essential standards for this course.
In ALL courses that award one full credit for completion and are sequential in nature, students use skills and knowledge learned during the first semester of the course to demonstrate an understanding of new concepts and skills during the second semester of the course. In cases where students receive a failing grade or an incomplete for a final first semester grade in these classes, students may be able to improve this letter grade to a D by demonstrating proficiency in sequential skills and knowledge with a second semester final grade of C or better.
Students’ Role and Responsibilities
- Attend school regularly.
- Complete schoolwork in a thoughtful, timely manner that is reflective of your best effort.
- Prepare for assignments and assessments in order to develop knowledge, skills, understandings, and work habits.
- Take ownership for the honesty and integrity of all assignments/assessments.
- Respond to feedback in order to further develop knowledge, skills, understandings, and work habits.
- Seek to maintain a balance in all of the learning activities in life.
- Take initiative to check personal progress and communicate concerns and questions with teachers.
- Advocate for variety and flexibility in assignments and assessments.
- Ask questions, seek additional support, and try new learning strategies as necessary.
- Review and monitor progress over time.
- Contribute to a productive learning environment.
- Take responsibility for one’s learning.
Parent/Guardians’ Role and Responsibilities
- Ensure good attendance.
- Understand and reinforce expectations for quality student work.
- Throughout the learning process, place more emphasis on learning by students that focuses on the development of skills, (analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating), content knowledge, understandings, and work habits.
- Monitor student progress in meeting course learning objectives in a manner that empowers students to develop personal responsibility and autonomy.
- Promote using feedback as an important part of the learning process.
- Support and model a balance in all of the learning activities in life.
- Provide current contact information (work, home phone numbers, email) and contact teachers with concerns regarding progress.
- Advocate for variety and flexibility in assignments and assessments.
- Encourage students to ask questions, seek additional support, and try new learning strategies as necessary.
- Review and monitor progress over time.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences.
- Encourage and model appropriate behaviors.
Students must be a resident of the City of South Milwaukee or approved through a state enrollment program (such as open enrollment or tuition waiver) to attend school in the School District of South Milwaukee. If the district believes that a student is not living in the City of South Milwaukee and is not a participant in a state program for enrollment, the district may investigate the status of the student and may revoke enrollment privileges as necessary. Parents/guardians of a student that resides in the district with someone other than the parents/guardians will be required to complete a Determination of Residency Status form. Students may not reside in the district with someone other than the parents/guardians for the sole purpose of attending school in the district. Parents/guardians of a student who move out of the district during the school year must complete a tuition waiver form for the student to remain in the district (Policy 420).
Schedule Changes
The procedure for requesting a class change may require input from several sources, including; parents, teachers, School Counselors, and Associate Principals. Students should see their Counselor to request a class change.
Schedule changes will only be considered for the following reasons:
- make-up of a failed course, if there is room in the class
- computer/clerical error
- inappropriate placement (e.g. prerequisite not met)
- administrative recommendation
- medical reason
A written request from a parent/guardian must accompany any other request for a change, with the understanding that it may not be possible to grant the request. A student must have the recommendation of the teacher of the course, parent, counselor, and administrator to add/drop a course. If a course is dropped, depending on when the course is dropped, and the purpose for dropping the course, a failing grade for that course may be recorded on the student’s transcript.
School Store (Orbit)
Searches of Students
A student and their personal possessions may be searched by the building principal or their designee if there is reasonable suspicion that the search will turn up evidence that a particular law, school policy or school rule has been or is being violated. The extent of the search will be governed by the seriousness of the alleged infraction, the student’s age and gender, the student’s disciplinary history and any other relevant circumstances or information (School Board Policy 446; Wisconsin Statutes Section 118.32).
Selective Service Registration
Male high school students who are citizens or resident aliens must register within 30 days of their 18th birthday.
Where: At any U.S. Post Office or from a School Counselor
How: By filling out a Selective Service Registration Form and presenting personal identification.
Selective Service Website: https://www.usa.gov/selective-service
Skateboards and Scooters
Smoking/Vaping/Ignition Devices
Smoking-State law prohibits smoking on premises owned or rented by the School District of South Milwaukee. The law applies to pupils and adults. This is also a violation of City Ordinance 24.03(B) and 24.24. State Law 48.983(2)(c) and City Ordinance 24.24 state that a minor may not possess any cigarette, vaping, or tobacco product.
Vaping- This is a violation of City Ordinance 24.24 "Vapor products" shall mean noncombustible products, that may or may not contain nicotine, that employ a mechanical heating element, battery, electronic circuit, or other mechanism, regardless of shape or size, that can be used to produce a vapor in a solution or other form, including but not limited to an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device. "Vapor products" shall include any vapor cartridge, solution, or other container, that may or may not contain nicotine, that is intended to be used with an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device (i.e. Juul). The possession or purchase of vapor products by anyone under the age of 18 is prohibited.
Ignition Devices - City Ordinance 27.15 prohibits the sale and/or possession of any ignition devices to/by a minor. Ignition devices are defined as matches, lighters, or any other materials when used for the purpose of ignition.
Student Aides
Students may apply to work for various offices, performing a variety of duties. These students must demonstrate responsible behavior. Those who do not meet minimum eligibility requirements may be denied the privilege. Students interested in becoming an aide should get a Permanent Pass Application from the Associate Principal’s Office. Grades for aides will be recorded on a Pass/No Credit basis and will not count in determining grade point average. Students may earn a maximum of one-half (.50) credit each school year (.25 credit each quarter) toward graduation.
Student Conduct
District students shall act in such a fashion that their behavior will reflect favorably on the individual student and on the school, show consideration for fellow students, and create a harmonious school atmosphere. To accomplish this, each student must recognize individual responsibilities and obligations and discharge them in accordance with school regulations. Students are expected to abide by the conduct rules as outlined in the student handbook, in the rules and regulations established by the building principal for each school and by the Classroom Code of Conduct approved by the School Board of Education (Policy 443, 443.1). High School students attending classes in the Middle School are expected to follow all Middle School policies and procedures.
Student Expression
School editors and writers must observe the same legal responsibilities as those imposed upon conventional newspapers and the news media. For this reason, school journalists must refrain from publication of material that is obscene, libelous, and disruptive or that infringes upon the rights of others.
Without prior written permission of the administration, the following are prohibited:
- Distribution, sale, or posting of any goods, written materials, or pictures.
- Assemblies, meetings, or “demonstrations”.
Substitute Teachers
Surveillance Cameras
Surveillance cameras may be located in school buildings and on school grounds. The primary purpose for using surveillance cameras in the District is to provide a safe and secure environment for all students, staff and visitors. Cameras will only be placed in public areas such as entrances, hallways, cafeterias, libraries, athletic areas and parking lots. Cameras will not be located in private areas such as restrooms and locker rooms. The cameras may record sounds and images and such sounds and images may be stored electronically, in printed or recorded form. The stored images are the property of the District. The District reserves the discretion to refuse to provide copies to students, parents, staff, community members or other individuals or groups. In cases where surveillance recordings involve student disciplinary action, the recording may become part of that student’s record and shall be dealt with consistent to the District’s student records policy and procedures. Disciplinary action may be taken based on video documentation. Cameras will be monitored throughout the school day, however, the District does not guarantee that the cameras will be monitored at all times. (Policy 734)
The building principal or their designee may suspend a student for not more than five school days, or, if notice of expulsion hearing has been sent, not more than a total of 15 consecutive school days in accordance with state law.
A student may be suspended for:
- Noncompliance with school or School Board rules or teacher rules made with the School Board’s consent; or,
- Knowingly conveying any threat or false information concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or to be made to destroy any school property by means of explosives; or,
- Conduct by the student while at school or while under the supervision of a school authority that endangers the property, health or safety of others which includes making a threat to the health or safety of a person or making a threat to damage property; or
- Conduct while not at school or while not under the supervision of a school authority that endangers the property, health or safety of others at school or under the supervision of a school authority or endangers the property, health or safety of any district employee or School Board member which includes making a threat to the health or safety of a person or making a threat to damage property.
Repeated violations may lead to expulsion. In addition, students shall be suspended when required by law. Suspensions may be in-house or out-of-school as determined by the administration.
A suspended student shall not be denied the opportunity to take any quarterly, semester or grading period examinations or to complete coursework missed during the suspension period (Policy 447.2; Wisconsin Statutes Section 120.13).
Technology: Student Appropriate Use Policy
Technology resources provided by the School District of South Milwaukee are for educational purposes only. Acceptable uses are those which support the District mission and vision.
- Access to the technology system is a privilege not a right; and each student will be held responsible for their actions on the technology system. Inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state, and federal laws and can lead to prosecution under those laws.
- Students failing to abide by the Appropriate Use Policy may lose network/computer privileges along with consequences that may arise from violations of normal school rules, up to and including possible expulsion.
- All aspects of the technology system are the District’s property. The District can review all electronic documents, messages, or information for any reason at any time.
- The District technology system shall be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.
- The District will provide students access to technology resources, including the Internet, unless the parent/guardian notifies the appropriate building principal in writing that the District should prevent access to technology resources for their student(s).
- Students are responsible to follow the entire Student Appropriate Use for School Computer Systems School Board Policy 362.2, located on the District and high school websites.
All High School students will receive a Chromebook, charger, and carrying case for use at school and at home as part of the district 1:1 Chromebook initiative. Chromebooks and chargers will be collected by the technology department at the end a student’s senior year, or prior to a student’s withdrawal.. Students that fail to abide by the policies outlined in the SDSM 1:1 Chromebook Guide may lose Chromebook privileges and may incur school consequences that may arise from violations of normal school rules, up to and including expulsion.
Use and guidelines of the District Technology System
- All use of District technology resources, including access to the Internet, must be in support of the educational objective of the District. All Board policies must be followed when using any technology resource.
- Use of District technology to access and/or distribute any material that violates U.S., state, or School Board policy is prohibited.
- Use of technology to access/use copyrighted materials, pornography, materials harmful to minors, obscene materials and/or similar materials is prohibited.
- Students may not use the District’s technology system in an offensive, harassing, illegal, or defamatory manner. Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks, cyber bullying, and other antisocial behaviors are unacceptable in Internet and other network communications. The District prohibits the use of the system to send or receive offensive or improper messages such as derogatory messages about other students or staff members. In addition, the District prohibits the use of the technology system in any way that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others.
- Use of proxy sites to bypass District web filters is prohibited.
- All information accessible through the Internet should be assumed to be private property and subject to copyright protection. Internet sources should be credited appropriately, as with the use of any copyrighted material.
- Students have a responsibility to respect the privacy and property of other users. Students should not intentionally seek information about, obtain copies of, or modify, files, data or passwords of other users. A student will not allow another student to access computers or network resources using their login credentials.
- For their own safety, students should not reveal any personal information, such as addresses, phone numbers, or photographs.
- Employing the Internet for commercial purposes is prohibited. Students may not use the system to solicit for commercial activities, religious, or political causes, outside organizations or other non-school related matters without prior authorization from the building principal.
- Students should not expect that files stored on district servers will always be private. School and network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and to ensure that the network is being used responsibly.
- Technology resources must be handled with care. Physical damage or network interruptions such as the introduction of viruses or deleting of files are prohibited.
- No eating or drinking near computers.
- Students are directed to keep passwords for their own private use and should log-off network when leaving the desktop station.
- Students may not access social networking sites (such as Instagram, Facebook, etc.), personal websites, personal blogs, online gambling sites or personal email accounts on District computers except for educational purposes specifically approved by the classroom teacher.
- Students may not engage in cyber-bullying activities.
- Students may not load, save, download, or otherwise install software on technology without approval from the District technology department.
- Students who create web pages, blogs, profiles or other online postings that result in the student’s online posting being accessed and viewed in the school environment may be disciplined if there is a disruption at the school as a result of the online posting.
- Students may not use the District’s technology system to develop programs or to institute practices that harass other users or gain unauthorized access to any entity on the system. Students may not damage the components of an entity on the system.
Phone calls to students during the school day are discouraged, except in case of an emergency. Students may not make phone calls during class time unless it is for emergency purposes. There is a designated phone in the main high school office for emergency use only. Use of that phone is a privilege and may be restricted.
Textbooks, Computers and School Materials
t is the intent of the South Milwaukee Board of Education that all students in the school district be provided access to a current and balanced collection of instructional materials. These materials should depict in an accurate and unbiased way the diversity and pluralistic nature of American society, and support the locally established philosophy and objectives of education.
- Chromebooks, textbooks and some school materials are furnished to students.
- School equipment is for school-related projects only. Students are not permitted to do personal work, correspondence, etc., on school equipment.
- Students will be held responsible to pay for items that are lost, stolen, or damaged.
Students are prohibited from receiving visitors during the school day. Parents and other adult visitors with legitimate school business at South Milwaukee High School must enter and sign-in at the high school office. A Visitor Pass must be obtained and remain visible at all times while in the building, and be returned to the office upon sign-out when leaving the building. Visitors entering the building must provide a driver’s license or valid State ID.Unauthorized persons will be referred to school officials for appropriate action. Students may not bring others to visit during school hours unless authorized by an administrator prior to the day of the visit. Visitors must present a valid picture ID upon check-in at the main office before being allowed to enter the building.
Withdrawing From School
State law requires attendance in school until the student reaches the age of 18 years or unless the student has graduated from high school. With school board and parental permission, a student may enroll in an alternative program leading to a high school diploma or its equivalent.
To withdraw from school, you must complete the sign-out process, which includes:
- Obtain a withdrawal form from your school counselor.
- Have parent/guardian sign the form.
- All books and materials should be returned to teachers for clearance.
- Meet all financial obligations.
- Return the completed withdrawal form to your school counselor.
- Indicate on the form your reason for withdrawing and where you will be continuing your high school education.
Work Permits
Students 14-15 need a Work Permit. The link to the DWD website is on the High School website on the “For Families” page, as well as being linked below.
Maximum Hours of Work for 14 & 15 year old minors | After Labor Day through May 31 | June 1 through Labor Day |
Daily Hours | ||
Non-School Days | 8-hours | 8-hours |
School Days | 3-hours | 3-hours |
Weekly Hours | 18-hours | 40-hours |
Permitted Time of Day | 7:00AM-7:00PM | 7:00AM-9:00PM |
Students should not be placed in situations where they are alone or without adult supervision.
(Wis. Employment of Minors Guide-Equal Rights Division)
Activities and Athletics Policies
Co-curricular activities are a vital part of the educational system and students are encouraged to take advantage of them, in addition to their academics at South Milwaukee High School. When students commit themselves to an activity, they owe it their best effort, not only to benefit the club, but themselves. Any student that falls behind in their schoolwork should seek extra help from the teacher(s) prior to participating in any co-curricular activity. Students should consider all other obligations before committing themselves to an activity.
The co-curricular program is an integral part of the educational system. While creating an opportunity for students to grow and mature, participation in co-curricular activities is considered a privilege. Therefore, standards may apply to co-curricular participants which may not apply to the general student population.
Activities will be scheduled during the day or after school at times convenient to the group and its advisor. Only officially recognized school groups may use the school building or its facilities, unless use is approved through the Athletic Office with a facility request form. A non-student adult must supervise students in the building after hours, and will be responsible for any damage that may occur that is caused by the supervisor or group of students.
Co-curricular activities are intended to help students learn to work in a productive relationship with a variety of people. Activities place students in unique situations to learn lessons in self-discipline, teamwork, respect, dealing with failure, dealing with success, and prepare students for their future in a dynamic society.
Eligibility & Scope
Students participating in co-curricular activities shall be subject to this code 12 months a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, on or off-campus from the first day the student becomes involved in co-curricular activities at South Milwaukee High School until they have graduated and completed all school-sponsored activities.
A student who graduates early will terminate their involvement in all co-curricular activities. Students who graduate early may make a request to the Athletics and Activities Office to attend Prom.
Co-Curricular Activities
Co-curricular activities include the following classification of activities.
CATEGORY 1 ACTIVITIES are those activities in which the school has a schedule of interscholastic contests or school-sponsored performances or competition. If a student has been suspended from an activity/athletic team, the student is required to attend all practices, games and activities upon completion of any suspension from school.
Athletic Activities |
Fine Arts Activities |
Club Activities |
Baseball |
Music Ensembles |
Golf |
Music Performances |
Tennis |
School Sponsored Trips |
FIRST Robotics & Skills USA |
Football |
Pep Band |
Swimming |
Color Guard |
Fall & Winter Poms |
Theatre |
Softball |
Musical Pit Orchestra |
Wrestling |
Cross Country |
Volleyball |
Fall & Winter Cheer |
Soccer |
Basketball |
Track |
CATEGORY 2 ACTIVITIES are those in which there are no contests, performances, or competition. A student may be suspended from any participation for two weeks.
Activities Without a Performance |
Bay Mist Yearbook |
German Honor Society |
Link Crew |
SM Green |
National Honor Society |
Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) |
Student Senate |
Spanish Honor Society |
Homecoming Court |
Anime Club |
Art Honor Society |
Prom Court |
Int’l Thespian Society |
School Dances* |
Leo Club |
Art Honor Society |
Orbit |
*Suspension for a current or previous Activity Code violation may result in a forfeiture of the student’s right to be on Homecoming Court or Prom Court, as well as potentially their right to attend any dance. This will be determined by high school administration.
A student must meet school and Department of Public Instruction (DPI) requirements defining a full-time student. Students are ineligible if they received more than one failing grade and/or an incomplete in the most recent grade reporting period. Special consideration may be made for students with exceptional educational needs enrolled in a school-approved program that meets the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) requirements for academic eligibility as indicated by their IEP.
- A student who fails to meet the minimum requirements listed above becomes ineligible on the final day of the quarter in question. The student is then ineligible for all appearances and competitions until regaining eligibility.
- The student will be suspended for a minimum 15 school days and school nights. This suspension can be longer if the student fails to regain eligibility.
- For the fall sports season there is an adjusted WIAA standard at the start of the school year. This standard is the lesser of the following two options: 1) 21 consecutive days after the earliest date allowed for competition in a sport, or 2) one-third of the maximum number of allowed meets/games in a sport (rounded up if a third results in a fraction) per WIAA rules.
- Students are allowed to regain academic eligibility by successfully completing summer school courses or by taking correspondence courses that are pre-approved by the counseling department to meet graduation requirements as accepted by South Milwaukee High School.
- Incompletes shall be treated as failing grades until written proof that these incompletes have been made up and a passing grade achieved for the grading period just completed is received by the Activities, Athletics & Recreation Coordinator.
- A student who is ineligible may continue to meet and practice during the period of ineligibility with consent of coach/advisor and the Coordinator.
- The date for determining academic eligibility will be the date the grade report is provided to the Coordinator.
- The student must report to the Athletic Office to request a review of their grades in order to become academically eligible once the incompletes have been taken care of or after the required waiting period concludes. This review can be done through Infinite Campus after a request is made by the student.
- An unexcused absence the day of a contest, performance, or activity makes the unexcused student ineligible to participate that day.
- A student can miss half of a day, with an excused absence, and retain eligibility for the remainder of that day. A half day excused absence must be granted through the Attendance Office in order to participate in a contest, performance, or activity.
- For contests, performances, or activities that take place on Saturday, a student must attend at least half of the previous school day, with the portion of the school day missed being an excused absence.
- Suspensions or unexcused absences for any part of a school day make a student ineligible to participate in ANY co-curricular activities that day. A suspension or unexcused absence may also result in a suspension from the next day’s co-curricular activities.
- Suspensions and unexcused absences will be tracked by the Coordinator. A pattern of suspensions or unexcused absences may result in extensive disciplinary measures being taken against the student.
- Should extenuating circumstances arise, such as for a college visit, funeral or a family illness, students may request prior approval for such an absence from the Coordinator.
Behavior and Conduct
- It is expected that students will conduct themselves professionally and responsibly at all times. As representatives of South Milwaukee, co-curricular activity participants are expected to follow school standards and good citizenship. It is the responsibility of each co-curricular participant to know what activities (for example the use of controlled substances or alcohol by others) are taking place at social gatherings that they attend. Lack of knowledge of such activities may not prevent said participant from being in violation of the Activities Code.
- In-season athletes are expected to maintain an acceptable level of good grooming and hygiene. Due to safety and health concerns in some sports, athletes may be required to satisfy this issue prior to participating in practice or scheduled competition.
- Students and parents will be required to sign a Concussion Information sheet before starting any athletic program, including Cheer and Poms. Although not WIAA sports, Powerlifting and Ultimate Frisbee also require this form to be signed. The WIAA has a concussion policy providing participants and parents with general information about concussions and how to address them. This policy can be found on the WIAA website.
Conflicting Activities
- In the occurrence that a student has conflicting co-curricular activities, the student has the duty to inform their coach or advisor of the conflict prior to the date of the conflict. Once the conflict is brought to the attention of the coach or advisor, an attempt will be made at a resolution.
- When a student has a conflict because two or more events or performances are scheduled at the same time, the following policy will apply:
- A performance (i.e. game, meet, contest, play, etc.) has priority over any practice or rehearsal, and the student is excused from the other activity without penalty.
- Participation or performance in a theatre, conference, district, or state tournament series event takes priority. If a student should choose not to participate in the theatre, conference, district or state tournament series, they will not be permitted to participate in any activity during the same date(s).
- The first activity (based on starting date) the student joins or commits to will take precedent in the event of practice or performance conflict. The first activity will be considered the student’s “primary” activity. Students who wish to be involved in additional activities MUST make prior arrangements with their primary advisor/coach to attend a practice or any portion of a practice for another activity in place of their regular practice.
- If a performance in one activity conflicts with a performance in another activity, the student will perform in the activity taking priority under provisions 1, 2, or 3. If this causes a problem, and the coaches/advisors cannot agree, the Coordinator will act as arbitrator.
Criminal Activity
Any activity that violates Wisconsin State law will be deemed a violation of this code.
Drugs, Alcohol, Performing Enhancing Substances (PES), Tobacco, and Vaping
The possession, use or display of tobacco, alcohol, PES, tobacco, or vaping products is a violation of the co-curricular activity policy for the South Milwaukee School District. A co-curricular participant doing any of these activities will be found in violation of this code and subject to the penalties of the following section. The use of e-cigarettes or hookah pens is also a violation of this code.
Duties and Expectations
Duties and expectations apply to the conduct of all parties involved in the co-curricular activities program. This includes coaches and supervisors (collectively “coaches”), parents of participating students, and the students themselves. Outlining what is expected of parents, coaches, and students allows each party to understand what is to be expected when they interact with one another.
- Should voice the expectations that they have established for all of their team members, as well as the team’s rules to both parents and students. This includes:
- Location and times of all practices.
- Team requirements, fees, special equipment, game dress, and off-season opportunities.
- Lettering requirements.
- Sport-specific rules.
- Shall act as a role model for good sportsmanship, use of appropriate language, promoting a healthy and safe environment, and safe teaching techniques.
- Can expect parents and students to inform them of any schedule conflicts that may occur well before the conflict occurs.
- Can expect parents and students to support all team members as well as the coaching staff.
- Shall not physically or mentally endanger any co-curricular participants.
The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) code of conduct for coaches can be found here: WIAA Coach Sportsmanship Code of Conduct
- Should expect that the coach puts the team first.
- Should inform the coach of any scheduling conflicts that arise with their child and the co-curricular activity.
- Support their children in a respectful manner at contests or games. This includes appropriate language and sportsmanship.
- Inquire about the physical or mental health of their child with the coach if they fear that it is at risk.
- Should not confront the coach about the makeup of a team, the strategy for a contest, or the playing time or opportunity to compete that their child receives. These are coaching decision made with the best interests of the team at heart and should be respected as such.
- Should show support for the South Milwaukee High School Athletic Code of Conduct, the rules of the WIAA, and any additional rules the coach may have.
- Shall look to schedule meetings with the coach as opposed to expecting to meet with them prior to or following each contest.
The WIAA’s Parental Guide to Sportsmanship can be found here: WIAA Parental Guide to Sportsmanship
- Owe a responsibility to themselves
- Are expected to be participating in co-curricular activities to broaden the strength of their academic achievement and character.
- Are expected to be good sports and to be a respectable member of the community.
- Owe a responsibility to their academic studies
- Academic studies coupled with participation in co-curricular activities are used to prepare students for their adult life.
- Owe a responsibility to South Milwaukee High School
- Students participating in co-curricular activities make themselves highly visible to other students and faculty. It is important that students act responsibly in front of other students and faculty.
- Be a respectful role model for their teammates and fellow classmates of South Milwaukee High School.
- Owe a responsibility to the community
- The community assists in funding co-curricular activities through taxes and donations. It is important that members of the community are treated with respect by co-curricular participants.
- Co-curricular participants must act reasonably when the spotlight is on them. It is often the case that their actions reflect not only others’ perception of themselves and the school, but the community as a whole.
- It is the school’s desire that co-curricular participants are respectful at all times.
- Owe a specific responsibility to younger students
- Students participating in co-curricular activities will have younger students that look up to them as role models.
- Students participating in co-curricular activities should behave responsibly and foster a respectful environment that encourages younger students to carry on such a legacy at South Milwaukee High School.
- Owe a responsibility to their coaches
- Inform the coach of any scheduling conflicts and properly address them (see the conflicting activities section above).
- Treat coaches with respect and follow their own independent rules and policies.
- Must be respectful of the other teams they compete against.
- Must show good sportsmanship.
- Need to realize that your actions reflect South Milwaukee High School and this should be considered prior to taking those actions.
- Should be a role model for other fans and fans of other schools or teams.
- Should show school spirit and pride.
- Should enjoy themselves.
Students and parents will be required to read and understand the WIAA Athletic Eligibility information provided when signing up for any athletic program, including Cheer and Poms.
Fighting, Hazing and Bullying
Fighting both during and outside of activities or events will not be tolerated. Any fighting will be deemed a violation of this code.
The School District of South Milwaukee will not permit any student to engage in any form of hazing as explained in School Board Policy 411.3. Hazing consists of any activity that is intimidating, threatening, or demeaning and is perpetrated for any reason such as the victim’s age, grade level, team affiliation, or school affiliation.
The definition of bullying, as explained in School Board Policy 411.3, will be applied to the Activities Code. Bullying including cyber bullying will not be tolerated in any forum associated with a co-curricular activity.
Students gathering to encourage fighting, hazing, or bullying, by means of cheering, taunting video streaming, video recording, and/or posting about the incident on social media will be subject to discipline.
Financial Obligations
Co-curricular activity participants that are required to check out equipment for their activity are liable for the equipment if it is lost, stolen, or damaged. The replacement cost will be equivalent to a new piece of equipment no matter the condition of the previous equipment. Unpaid equipment fees will be added as obligations in Infinite Campus.
All fundraisers must adhere to school board policy and school rules. If fundraising for an activity that needs board approval, the approval for the activity must be obtained before any fundraising efforts begin. All requests must be turned in to the Activities, Athletics and Recreation Coordinator for approval prior to commencing. Each activity advisor will inform their group of these rules. Please note that selling is restricted to the Heritage Hallway, either before school, after school, or during lunch periods only. There will be NO selling during school hours in classrooms or corridors unless pre-approved by high school administration. All revenue from sales and any discrepancies must be reported to the advisor. Restrictions may be placed on possible fundraisers based upon the District Wellness Policy (including 25% of bake sales being made up of healthy items). All fundraiser proceeds must be applied directly to the organization doing the fundraiser, and only for the purpose of the fundraiser.
Injury Policy
Following any injury, the coach must file an Athletic Injury Report with the Athletic Director and Athletic Trainer. In the case of minor injuries not requiring the services of a physician, the Athletic Trainer and the coach will determine when the student-athlete is ready to return to practice and competition.
If a student-athlete is injured during the sport’s season and is under a physician’s care, the student-athlete must obtain a written release from the treating physician prior to resuming active participation in practices and competition.
If a student-athlete develops a medical condition or is injured outside of the sport season, the Athletic Trainer and/or the Athletic Director reserve the right to request a written clearance from the treating physician prior to declaring the student-athlete eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics.
- If the student is involved in more than one activity, the student will serve the penalty concurrently.
- If the student is between activities, the penalty will carry over to the next activity that they participate in.
- If the student does not complete their penalty, they will not be able to begin another activity until the penalty is completed in the new activity.
- Self- Referral
- A student may submit a written self-referral within two days of their violating behavior or during the school day on Monday, if the violation took place on the weekend. These self-referrals must detail the violation, time, date, and place of the violating behavior and may reduce the duration or extent of the punishment. If the violating behavior took place on school grounds, it is unlikely that the student will be able to utilize their self-referral privilege. Self-referrals must be turned into to the Coordinator. A copy of the self-referral must be turned into the coach or advisor as well.
- Violations other than Self-Referrals
- A violation must be reported to the Coordinator within the school year of the alleged violation. Reports during the summer months must be reported within the first five school days. The report must include the alleged violation, time, date, and place of the violating behavior. A copy of the report must be turned into the coach or advisor as well.
- Honesty Clause and Initial Questioning
- If a South Milwaukee Administrator or the Coordinator has a reasonable suspicion that a co-curricular participant violated the code of conduct, they may question that student. It is the student’s duty to respond truthfully during the questioning period. Truthful answers may result in lighter penalties and dishonesty or attempts to mislead the investigation may result in harsher penalties against the co-curricular activity participant.
- The co-curricular activity participant must be forthcoming with information and cooperative during the investigation.
- Informing the Co-Curricular Participant of the Penalty
- Once the Coordinator has determined that a violation has occurred, they will inform both the student and the student’s parents of the violation and the penalty resulting from the violation. The student must also be notified of their right to appeal the decision.
Violation |
1st Offense |
2nd Offense |
3rd Offense |
Smoking, possession or display of any tobacco or tobacco-related products |
33% (1/3 of performances, activities, or competitions) |
1 Season (12 weeks if more than 25% of the season has passed) |
High School Career |
Possession or use of alcohol |
33% (1/3 of performances, activities, or competitions) |
1 Season (12 weeks if more than 25% of the season has passed) |
High School Career |
Possession or use of unauthorized PES, drugs, drug paraphernalia |
33% (1/3 of performances, activities, or competitions) |
1 Season (12 weeks if more than 25% of the season has passed) |
High School Career |
The sale and/or distribution of PES, drugs, alcohol or look alike drugs |
50% (1/2 of performances, activities, or competitions) |
Calendar year (365 days) |
High School Career |
Hosting a party where alcohol or other drugs are served |
50% (1/2 of performances, activities, or competitions) |
Calendar year (365 days) |
High School Career |
Attending a party or riding in a vehicle with minors consuming alcohol or illegal substances |
17% (1/6 of performances, activities, or competitions) |
33% (1/3 of performances, activities, or competitions) |
Calendar Year (365 Days) |
School suspension |
Based on length of suspension and reason for suspension |
Based on length of suspension and reason for suspension |
Based on length of suspension and reason for suspension |
Ticketed for an ordinance violation (excluding traffic violations) |
17% (1/6 of performances, activities, or competitions) |
33% (1/3 of performances, activities, or competitions) |
Calendar year (365 days) |
Fighting (including bullying and abuse in any facility relating to the activity) |
Based on length of suspension and ordinance violation (if applicable). |
Based on length of suspension and ordinance violation (if applicable). |
Based on length of suspension and ordinance violation (if applicable). |
Charged with a State crime |
Based on length of suspension, type of criminal violation and recommendation by legal counsel. |
Based on length of suspension, type of criminal violation and recommendation by legal counsel. |
High School Career |
*This list does not include all possible penalties and is not absolute; it is to be used as a guide for the assignment of penalties in violation of the co-curricular activity code. The Coordinator in consultation with high school administration will look into the severity of each violation, whether it was a self-referral and how honest the student is when ultimately determining the punishment.
Due to the rapidly changing nature of social media, student use of social media will be subject to review by the athletic department and penalties for violations of social media policy including but not limited to inappropriate posting of photos, harassment, and inappropriate language will be subject to penalties on a case by case basis.
- Once it has been determined that a violation has occurred, the parents will be contacted and informed of the penalty and the appeal process. Students have five days to appeal the decision.
- A log entry will kept to track the progress of the violation.
- If an appeal is requested, the Coordinator, who will act as a facilitator for the meeting, will convene an Appeal Board. Once the Appeal Board has been determined, the parents and the student will be informed and a time, date, and location for the appeal will be set. Parents are encouraged to attend the appeal meeting.
- The Appeal Board will consist of five members and the Appeal Board will:
- Select a chairperson to conduct the meeting.
- Hear the alleged violation and penalties assessed, as presented by the coach/advisor or the Coordinator.
- Provide opportunity for the student to state their side of the story.
- Weigh all evidence and make a final decision by an oral vote.
- Either uphold the decision, overrule the decision, uphold the decision and opt for a different penalty (falling within the approved school guidelines), or make another appropriate recommendation.
- Inform the student of the final decision.
- Inform administration of the final decision.
- If either party is dissatisfied with the decision, they must request in writing a review of the appeal by the Superintendent of the School District of South Milwaukee who will determine if a review of the appeal decision is necessary. This request must be made within three (3) days of the Appeal Board decision.
Physical Examination Requirements
Students must provide a WIAA Physical Examination form, signed by a physician and a parent/legal guardian, as proof of having a physical, clearing the student to participate in sports, before starting any athletic program, including Cheer and Poms.
Physical forms must also be signed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, or nurse practictioner every two years. The WIAA also requires an Alternate Year Physical form be completed by a parent/legal guardian in years opposite to the physical examination requirement before starting any athletic program, including Cheer and Poms.
Social Media
Any conduct that violates a provision of this code that is displayed on social media is a direct violation of this code. Co-curricular participants should be responsible with their social media content as it is available to the public.
The posting of any photos on social media of a student-athlete in a South Milwaukee uniform that is deemed inappropriate is a violation of this code.
Team Membership
Students who voluntarily join an athletic team or activity at South Milwaukee High School are expected to abide by the following membership rules.
Rules – In addition to all school rules, students must abide by their specific team or activity rules as provided by their coach or advisor.
Coach’s Authority – With cause, team coaches and activity advisors have the authority to unilaterally suspend a student from a team or activity. These suspensions take effect immediately. Coaches are required to notify the Coordinator when such suspensions are put into effect. Any suspensions lasting more than three (3) days are subject to the Due Process procedures in the Activities.
Athletic Team Loyalty – A student beginning in one sport cannot transfer to another sport, during the same season, until the original sport’s season is completed, except with the mutual consent of the head coaches of the two sports involved.
Team Travel
Students are required to travel both to and from all team competitions and events with their team-provided transportation. If a parent, due to an emergency or unavoidable family circumstance needs other arrangements to be made, a Transportation Release form must be filled out by the parent and turned in to the coach prior to the event.
Student Policies and Guidelines
- Accidents and Injuries
- Advanced Placement Courses (AP)
- Age of Majority
- Arrival, Departure, and School Property
- Assembly Procedures
- Attendance Policies and Procedures
- Bicycles
- Bookbags, Backpacks and Purses
- Cases Not Covered By Specific Rules
- Cell Phone or Social Media Account Search
- Change of Address/Phone Number/Emergency Contact
- Classroom Conduct
- Closing Procedures
- Copied, Plagiarized Work or Cheating
- Corporal Punishment/Use of Physical Force
- Counseling Program
- Course Offerings
- Course Requirements
- Cumulative Records
- Detentions
- Dance Expectations
- Dress Code
- Disabled Access and Services
- Electronic Devices-Personal
- Emergency Procedures
- Exam Policy (revised 12/11/24)
- Expulsion
- Fees and Financial Obligations
- Field Trips
- Food and Beverages
- Fundraising
- Graduation Policy
- Graduation Requirements
- Hall Passes
- Health Services
- Homework
- Honor Roll
- Identification Cards
- Illness During School Hours
- Incomplete Grades
- In School Suspension (ISS)
- Laser Pointers
- Library Media Center
- Lockers and Locks
- Locker Searches
- Loitering
- Lost and Found
- Make-Up Work
- Nutrition Services Guidelines
- Office Referral
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Parking and Parking Lot
- Phone Calls
- Physical Education Rules
- Police Liaison
- Postings
- Religious Beliefs
- Reporting Grades
- Residency
- Schedule Changes
- School Store (Orbit)
- Searches of Students
- Selective Service Registration
- Skateboards and Scooters
- Smoking/Vaping/Ignition Devices
- Student Aides
- Student Conduct
- Student Expression
- Substitute Teachers
- Surveillance Cameras
- Suspension
- Technology: Student Appropriate Use Policy
- Textbooks, Computers and School Materials
- Transcripts
- Transportation Expectations
- Visitors
- Withdrawing From School
- Work Permits
Accidents and Injuries
Advanced Placement Courses (AP)
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered at the high school in many content areas. AP courses are more demanding than the accelerated courses and are designed to better prepare students for success in college. Selections are based on past academic record, faculty recommendation, and a sincere desire of the student to accept a more rigorous curriculum requirement.
Upon successful completion of AP courses, students are expected to take the College Board AP examinations held in May, which is used by some colleges and universities to grant advance credits. There is a fee for each exam (check website for current fees). See your School Counselor if you are interested in choosing AP courses.
Please note: AP classes will not be dropped once scheduled.
AP website: https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/
Age of Majority
Students who have reached the age of majority (18 or older), and have completed the Age of Majority form through the Associate Principal’s Office and been approved, have the following rights and responsibilities:
1. To make decisions about their educational programming.
2. To submit excuses on their own behalf for absences. Students may be asked to provide a doctor’s medical excuse or other justification for excessive absences.
3. If suspended, students may be accountable for their own re-admission following the suspension.
4. Parents/Guardians are no longer responsible for the actions of their children when they turn eighteen; however, debts incurred by students prior to age eighteen are still the responsibility of the parents/guardians.
5. Those completing the Age of Majority form may choose to not have information or communication sent to parents/guardians. Parents/Guardians will be notified if a student chooses this option. However, if the student is still living with a parent/guardian, important information may be shared by the school with the parent/guardian.
Arrival, Departure, and School Property
These procedures are set up for normal school day set up.
Daily Drop-Off Procedures
All high school students are required to enter the High School building through Door 29 (Gym entrance) from 7:00-7:30 a.m. No other doors will be open for students to enter the building. Families dropping students off will need to use Oak Creek Parkway, proceed to the East side of the building and enter through the circle drive (2nd entrance @Rocket John Way) to drop students off. When exiting Rocket John Way, you must turn right onto the Oak Creek Parkway. Please also note that anyone traveling West of the Oak Creek Parkway may not make a Left turn onto 15th Avenue from 7:00-7:45AM on school days.
Students who are parking in the student lot for the day will need to enter through the athletic field driveway (3rd entrance).
Students who are walking to school, must walk around to the East side of the building an enter through Door 29 (Gym entrance)
At 7:30 a.m., Door 29 will be locked and any remaining students will then have to enter through Door 9 (Main Entrance). No student admission will be allowed at Door 9 prior to 7:30 a.m.
Daily Pick-Up Procedures
Students being picked up at the end of the day will be required to exit through Door 29 (Gym). Families picking up students will will need to use Oak Creek Parkway, proceed to the East side of the building and enter through the circle drive (2nd entrance @Rocket John Way). When exiting Rocket John Way, you must turn right onto the Oak Creek Parkway. Please also note that anyone traveling West of the Oak Creek Parkway may not make a Left turn onto 15th Avenue from 3:00-3:45PM on school days.
Students exiting the parking lot will use the athletic field driveway. Students who walk at the end of the day may exit Door 29 or Door 9 (Main Office Entrance), but families may not pick them up in cars at that exit.
Additional Information
- Students and parents are not permitted to drive, or drop off and pick-up, behind the 6-12 campus by Rawson Woods at any time. This is not a thoroughfare.
- The drive into the student parking lot from the parkway is two-way, except after school from 2:50-3:15pm when the East exit (by the football stadium) is used for exit only to turn right and left.
- Students not involved in activities or meetings after school should leave the building by 3:30pm and not loiter.
- Respecting the rights of surrounding private property owners is expected at all times. Students are to refrain from loitering, littering, trespassing, and smoking on neighboring private property. Violators will be reported to the police and prosecuted.
Assembly Procedures
- Students are required to attend assemblies. Students who have regularly scheduled late arrival or early release may be excused.
- Students must enter the assembly quietly and report to their assigned areas immediately.
- Students are not allowed to listen to music through any of their electronic devices.
- Respect speaker and subject.
- Applaud to show appreciation.
- Refrain from making distracting comments, stamping feet, yelling, or whistling during programs.
- Students who exhibit inappropriate behavior may be removed and/or denied assembly privileges.
Attendance Policies and Procedures
Regular and prompt attendance is necessary for student progress and becomes part of the student’s permanent record. Poor attendance is a major cause for failure and dropping out of school. Both students and parents/guardians share the responsibility for good attendance. Disciplinary procedures for attendance infractions will be carried out as indicated below.
Absence Type – Excused Tardy - Any tardy where a student has a legitimate pass, arriving in a reasonable amount of time. Students who take more than a reasonable amount of time will be referred to an administrator through a disciplinary referral. (A student who is tardy for more than 50% of a class will be marked excused absent for that class.)
Actions Taken:
- Excused
- Excessive Excused Tardies - Parent contact
Absence Type – Unexcused Tardy - Any tardy where a student does not have a legitimate pass for being late to class. (A student who is tardy for more than 50% of a class will be marked unexcused absent for that class.)
Possible Actions Taken:
- Warning
- Detention(s)
- Parent contact
- Counseling intervention
- Truancy referral
- Second citation
- Each tardy: teacher issued consequence and/or contact home
- 10 tardies in a semester, across entire course schedule:
- Admin team issues half day of in-school suspension, no phone, contacts parent/guardian
- 20 tardies in a semester, across entire course schedule:
- Admin team issues full day of in-school suspension, no phone, contacts parent/guardian
- 25 tardies in a semester, across entire course schedule:
- Admin team refers student for a Truancy Citation, contacts parent/guardian
Absence Type – Unexcused Absence (full day) – Any full day absence where a student does not have a legitimate excuse.
- Possible Actions Taken:
- Letter
- Parent conference
- Counseling intervention
- Referral to police for citation
- Home visit
- Truancy referral
- Second citation
- Detentions
Absence Type – Unexcused Absence (single period) –Any single period absence where a student does not have a legitimate excuse.
Possible Actions Taken:
- Letter
- Parent conference
- Counseling intervention
- Referral to police for citation
- Truancy referral
- Second citation
- Detentions
Absence Type – Excessive Excused Absences – More than ten (10) excused absences. See Attendance Letters below.
*Failure to serve any administrator issued detention will result in administrative discipline, which will be up to their discretion based on the infraction.
Attendance Letters
Five Day Attendance Concern Letter – this letter will be sent to a parent/guardian for a student who has missed 34 class periods excused or unexcused in a semester. The purpose of this letter is to inform the parent/guardian that the student has missed the equivalent of five (5) days, and to express concern and the desire to help.
Ten Day Attendance Meeting Letter – This letter is sent to a parent/guardian for a student who has missed 68 unexcused class periods (10 days) in a semester. The purpose of this letter is to schedule a meeting with the parent and student with school officials to create a plan to improve the student’s attendance. The letter will also address any legal ramifications for failure to schedule or attend a scheduled meeting, or if attendance does not improve.
The purpose of the meeting is to identify and barriers preventing the student from coming to school, and set up an action plan to eliminate any barriers; set up an attendance contract for Open Enrollment students; and set up a date to assess the student’s progress. Home visits will be utilized if students and their families fail to appear for a required meeting.
The above interventions were put in place to prevent further action, to include: Habitual Truancy Citation, Open Enrollment Exit.
Medical Excuse Letter – this letter will be sent to parents/guardians who have excused their student for more than 10 days without a medical excuse. The purpose of this letter is to inform parents/guardians that they will need to provide a medical excuse for any additional absences in order for them to be considered excused.
Dismissal Pass
If a student must leave the school building during school hours, a Dismissal Pass must be obtained from the Attendance Office. Under no circumstances should a student leave the building without permission. Students who leave the building without an authorized pass will not be allowed back in the building and will be considered truant and subject to disciplinary action.
School Board Policy
The District shall abide by and implement student compulsory attendance laws. State law requires each child between the ages of six and 18 residing in the District to be in school attendance (religious holidays excepted) unless the student:
- Is excused temporarily for physical or mental reasons;
- Has graduated;
- has been authorized to attend an alternative educational program;
- Has been excused by their parent/guardian prior to an absence in accordance with state law; or
- Has been excused by the building principal by their designee.
Any violator of the compulsory school attendance law shall be subject to penalties outlined in state law.
Students are expected to be in daily attendance at school unless they need to be absent for one of the following reasons:
- Personal illness, medical, and dental appointments
- Funerals
- Required legal appearances
- Designated religious holidays
- Family emergencies
- Driver’s examinations
- Approved school district-sponsored activities
- Prior approved absences that have been deemed educationally beneficial for the student by the school principal or designee. (The student must obtain a prearranged absence form from the Attendance Office and have it completed and returned to the Attendance Office at least three days prior to their absence.)
- The school board may excuse a student who is temporarily not in proper physical or mental condition to attend school. An excuse under this condition shall be in writing and shall state the duration of time, not to exceed 30 days. Students with excused absences are entitled to make up work and are responsible for doing so.
Absences not excused within 72 hours from the date of absence will remain unexcused unless approved by an administrator.
When a student is absent, a parent or guardian must either call or email the Attendance Office at (414) 766-5120 for each daily absence (written notes will not be accepted), no later than 2:00pm the day of the absence, with the following information:
- Name of student
- Reason for absence
- Estimated length of absence
Students are required to request homework directly through their teacher through email or Google classroom to keep up with their work during an absence.
When a student has excessive excused absences in a semester, an attendance notification letter may be sent to the parent/guardian. After 10 excused absences in a semester, the above procedure will be repeated. A conference may be scheduled (s.118.15, 431-Rule). Medical documentation may be required after 10 days to excuse additional absences.
If a call is not provided for an absence, a student will be marked unexcused. Correction of this will be the responsibility of the student, and they will be given within 72 hours from the date of absence for the correction. If this is not cleared within 72 hours, the parent/guardian will need to discuss clearing these dates with the student’s Associate Principal.
For any student who is absent from all or part of a day, and for whom the school has not received notification, the family will receive an automated phone call informing the household of the absence.
Parents/Guardians may call the Attendance Office at (414) 766-5120 at any time during normal office hours to check on their student’s attendance.
Students, who are excused after the date of absence, but within the 72-hour limit, by a phone call or email from the parent/guardian to the Attendance Office, will be reflected as excused on the teacher’s daily absence lists.
Late Arrival or Early Release
Students with senior status (12th grade) may be granted permission for late arrival or early release with written approval from a parent/guardian if the following considerations are met.
- Student must have a GPA of 3.0 or better from the previous semester.
- Student must have 90% attendance from the previous semester.
- Student must maintain a schedule leading to a timely graduation with peers.
- Student must not have any discipline referrals resulting in a suspension from the previous semester.
- Student must be enrolled in three courses per semester.
Students granted late arrivals are required to stay off campus until 10 minutes before the second class begins or students can check themselves into the library. Under no condition can the student be in the halls, walking around the campus.
Students granted early releases are required to leave campus in a timely manner or students can check themselves into the library. Under no condition can the student be in the halls, walking around the campus.
Students Age 18-20
Students age 18-20 may continue to attend school provided they meet school attendance requirements and are making progress toward achieving a diploma. The failure to demonstrate a good faith effort in attendance and achievement may be cause for their dismissal from school.
Truancy means any absence of part or all of one or more days from school during which the school attendance officer, principal, or teacher has not been notified of the legal cause of such absence by the parent or guardian of the absent pupil. Truancy also means intermittent attendance carried on for the purpose of defeating the intent of s.118.15.
Students who are habitual truants will not be able to participate in special activities including, but not limited to: school dances (i.e. Homecoming, Winter Formal, and Prom).
1. “Habitual Truant” 118.16(1)(a) means a pupil who is absent from school without an acceptable excuse under sub.(4) and s.118.15 for part or all of five or more days on which school is held during a school semester.
2. Habitual Truancy Follow-Up Procedure: When a student is identified as a habitual truant, the school shall notify the parents/guardian by registered or certified mail. The notice shall include:
a. a statement of the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility under s.118.15(1)(a) to cause a child to attend school regularly.
b. a request that the parents/guardians meet with appropriate school personnel to discuss the child’s truancy*.
*At the meeting the parent/guardian or child may request program or curriculum modifications for the child and that the child may be eligible for enrollment in a program for children-at-risk.
c. a statement of the penalties under s.118.15(5), that may be imposed on the parent/guardian if they fail to cause their child to attend school regularly.
3. Make-up Policy for Unexcused Absences:
a. A student must fulfill all course requirements to pass the course.
b. The school may not deny a student credit in a course or subject based solely on the student’s unexcused absences. Students will be awarded credit for make-up work completed during a detention period [s.118.16(4)].
Bookbags, Backpacks and Purses
Cases Not Covered By Specific Rules
It is understood that the rules contained in this handbook are not all inclusive. The administration and teachers may take such action as is necessary and not forbidden by law to insure the discipline and operation of the school. Action may be taken with respect to any offense which interferes with the orderly conduct of the school or which affects the safety and welfare of students either individually or collectively regardless of the existence or non-existence of a rule covering the offense. Acts that are crimes outside of school are also considered crimes in school, and they will be treated similarly.
All students shall follow all new, revised or temporary district guidelines and rules related to the pandemic or other health emergency. The expectations for students within the orders, rules, and/or guidelines are considered additions to the Student Handbook. By acknowledging receipt of the Student Handbook and your understanding of the expectations contained herein for students, you are also acknowledging future pandemic-related orders, rules, and/or guidelines.
This handbook represents portions of school policies that are essential to the efficient operation of the school district.
Cell Phone or Social Media Account Search
The contents of a student’s cell phone will not be searched unless there exists a potential significant threat to the safety of a particular student, group of students, or school as a whole. Contents of cell phones may also be searched with student or parental permission.
The District may view, access, or use information obtained from a student or prospective students that can be obtained from a social media account without access information or that is available in the public domain.
The District may not:
- Request or require a student or prospective student, as a condition of admission or enrollment, to disclose access information for the personal Internet account of the student or prospective student or to otherwise grant access to or allow observation of that account.
- Expel, suspend, discipline, or otherwise penalize any student for refusing to disclose access information for, grant access to, or allow observation of the student’s personal Internet account, opposing a prohibitive practice with respect to personal Internet accounts, filing a complaint or attempting to enforce a right protected by the statute (Wisconsin Statute Sec. 995.55), or testifying or assisting in any action or proceeding to enforce such right.
- Refuse to admit a prospective student because the prospective student refused to disclose access information for, grant access to, or allow observation of the prospective student’s personal Internet account.
The District may request or require a student to disclose access information to the District in order for the District to gain access to or operate an electronic communications device supplied or paid for in whole or part by the District, or in order for the District to gain access to an account or services provided by the District, obtained by virtue of the student’s admission to the District, or used for educational purposes.
Change of Address/Phone Number/Emergency Contact
Classroom Conduct
Closing Procedures
The decision to close school due to weather or other emergency situations is made by the Superintendent of the School District of South Milwaukee. Official announcements for any school closing will be communicated through the phone calling system, posted on the District website, sent via Twitter, and may be heard over local Radio and TV Stations, including but not limited to:
Radio: |
WTMJ-620AM |
WKTI-94.5FM |
TV: |
WTMJ-Channel 4 |
Copied, Plagiarized Work or Cheating
A student who submits work that is not his or their own, allows another student to copy their work, or is caught cheating will be subject to disciplinary and academic consequences. A student may be required to resubmit work for partial credit or may receive no credit. Incidents of copying, plagiarism or cheating will be examined on a case-by-case basis, and appropriate consequences will be assessed.
Corporal Punishment/Use of Physical Force
School District employees and officials may not use corporal punishment in any of its forms. School officials and employees are not prohibited, however, from using reasonable and necessary force:
- To quell a disturbance or prevent an act that threatens physical injury to any person;
- To obtain possession of a weapon or other dangerous object within a student’s control;
- For the purpose of self-defense or the defense of others or for the protection of property in accordance with state statutes;
- To remove a disruptive student from school premises, a motor vehicle or school-sponsored activity;
- To prevent a student from inflicting harm on themselves; or
- To protect the safety of others.
Further, school officials and employees are not prohibited from using incidental, minor or reasonable physical contact designated to maintain order and control. The building principal shall be notified immediately after any application of force. Parents/Guardians of the student(s) involved shall be contacted by school officials and informed as to why their child was restrained.
Counseling Program
The high school counseling program provides diverse and comprehensive services both individually and in group settings and is designed to help students with their academic and/or personal issues. Students and parents can make appointments with their counselor, the school social worker, or school psychologist. The counselors help all students select suitable courses, complete programs, and register for classes.
Information on many post high school educational institutions is available through your school counselor. Meetings with college and technical school representatives are scheduled throughout the year and are open to Juniors and Seniors. Information on financial aid may also be obtained through the Student Services Office. Counselors, Social Workers, and School Psychologists respect the confidentiality of their contacts with students. Students and parents/guardians should be aware that there are situations in which this confidentiality must be broken. These situations would be, but are not limited to, reports of abuse, suicide attempts or threats, and other life or property threatening situations.
Students are assigned a school counselor on an alphabetical basis in grades 9-12. Change of counselor assignments may be arranged by parental request to the Principal.
Course Offerings
The South Milwaukee High School Academic & Career Planning Guide serves as a resource to assist students and parents in establishing a course of study that serves as a springboard for post-high school goals. The links on the website contain valuable information that can be used to guide students through the process.
Course Requirements
Cumulative Records
Cumulative records contain a complete record of each student’s educational progress. These records are maintained throughout each student’s tenure in the South Milwaukee public schools. Upon graduation, part of the record is microfilmed for reference. Students and a parent/guardian may request to see their cumulative records at any time with their school counselor.
Student records shall be maintained to assist the school in providing the student appropriate educational experiences. Student records shall include all records relating to an individual student, regardless of format, other than notes or records maintained for personal use by teachers or other certified personnel who are not available to others and records necessary for and available only to persons involved in psychological treatment of a student. Student records shall be maintained in accordance with state and federal laws and established guidelines.
Parents and students have the right to: (a) inspect, review and obtain copies of student records; (b) request the amendment of the student's school records if they believe the records are inaccurate or misleading; (c) consent to the disclosure of the student's school records, except to the extent state and federal law authorizes disclosure without consent; (d) deny the release of information which has been designated as directory data; and (e) file a complaint with the Family Policy Compliance Office of the U.S. Department of Education
A detention is a period of time assigned to students for unacceptable behavior or failure to follow school rules. Detentions assigned by teachers are to be served with the teacher in a timely manner. Failure to serve a teacher’s detention may result in a referral to an administrator’s office. If a student should get more than one detention in the same day, the detentions must be served in the order assigned. An administrator will assign office detentions. Students are expected to follow the instruction of the administrator or detention supervisor. Failure to serve detentions may result in a suspension or other disciplinary actions.
Dance Expectations
All school policies, guidelines, rules, and regulations apply during any school dance. The following guidelines also apply:
- Students, and their guests, should be prepared to present a current school, or other valid picture ID, when entering the dance.
- Students must not have any unexcused absences for two weeks prior to the dance. If a student has an unexcused absence during this time, they will not be allowed to participate in the dance. Student overall attendance must be 75% or better for the year.
- Administration has the discretion to disqualify students due to excessive failing grades.
- Students cannot be assigned an in-school or out-of-school suspension during a two-week time period prior to the dance. If the student receives an in-school or out-of-school suspension during this time, the student will not be allowed to participate in the dance.
- Students must remain in designated areas.
- Administration reserves the right to deny access to any guest who is not a student of South Milwaukee High School.
- Students who leave will not be permitted to re-enter.
- Guests must be pre-registered before the day of the dance.
- Guests from other schools must submit a signed permission slip from an administrator from their school by the deadline established for the specific event. Students may only bring one outside guest. Only High School students or grads up to age 20 may attend (no Middle School students).
- A South Milwaukee High School administrator must approve all other guests.
- Students are expected to wear appropriate attire, according to the clothing guidelines outlined in this Student Handbook.
- Students must enter within 30 minutes of the starting time.
- Students are required to leave the building within 30 minutes of the ending time.
- Dance movements or practices that suggest or simulate sexual activity are prohibited. Avoid excessive bending at the waist. Hands should be kept in appropriate areas. Students may dance front to back, but in a manner appropriate for a school event (swaying, remaining upright, hands in appropriate places).
- Students asking to have a guest form signed for attending a dance at another school will be held to the same expectations as a dance at South Milwaukee High School.
- Dancing determined by administration to be inappropriate (highly sexual in nature and/or uncomfortably provocative) will result in the following progressive discipline. A warning for the individuals involved. The warning will be indicated by the wristbands, for those involved, being cut off.
- If students are approached for a second time and warned about their inappropriate dancing they will be removed from the dance.
Dress Code
Responsibility for the personal appearance of students enrolled in the District normally shall rest with the students themselves and their parents/guardians. Student dress or grooming should not affect the health or safety of students or substantially disrupt or materially interfere with the learning process or contribute to a hostile or intimidating environment within the classroom or school. Students shall not be unnecessarily disciplined for their choice of attire, jewelry or personal items. Students, parents and school personnel are expected to cooperate in efforts to ensure an emotional and physical safe learning environment free of disruption.
Substantial Disruption or Material Interference. A substantial disruption or material interference of the educational process may be found to exist when the District reasonably forecasts that a student’s conduct or attire may substantially disrupt the school setting or materially interferes with the rights of others.
General Requirements
- Each student has the right to determine personal dress.
- Clothing must be suitable for scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, technical education, and other activities where unique hazards exist. Safety or special purpose equipment shall be worn when required.
- Students must wear clothing including a shirt with pants, skirt, shorts or the equivalent, or a dress and footwear as required by state law. All clothing must have fabric that covers the front, back and sides.
- Clothing fabric must cover all private body parts and/or undergarments and must not be transparent (see-through) (waistband and bra straps excluded).
- Clothing may not cover a student’s face to the extent that the student is not identifiable (except clothing worn for religious or medical purposes or a mask worn for health reasons).
- Footwear such as shoes, sandals or boots shall be worn in the school buildings. Footwear must be both safe and non-destructive to school property.
- Reasonable variations from these requirements may be permitted by a building principal to accommodate student participation in approved activities such as for physical education classes (e.g., swimming) or other student activities (e.g., student theatrical productions).
Prohibited Apparel and Items
Students shall not be permitted to wear the following:
- Any clothing, jewelry or personal items identifying an antisocial association or organization.
- Any clothing, jewelry, or personal items that display symbols, lettering or insignia that are associated with a hate group, violence, white supremacy, or that promotes hatred, intimidation or harassment.
- Any clothing, jewelry or personal items that use or depict hate speech or targeting groups based on sex; age; race; religion; color; national origin; ancestry; creed; pregnancy; marital status; parental status; homelessness; sexual orientation; gender identity; gender expression; gender non-conformity; physical, mental, emotional or learning disability/handicap; or any other legally-protected status or classification.
- Any clothing, jewelry or personal items that contain pictures and/or writing referring to alcohol, tobacco products, nicotine, sexual references, nudity, profanity, obscenity, unlawful use of weapons, and/or controlled or illegal drugs.
- Any clothing, jewelry or personal times that threaten the health or safety of any other student or staff member.
- Headwear, including hats, hoods and bandanas may be permitted in school buildings.
- Students may not wear hoods if the student is required or chooses to wear a mask for health reasons.
- Headwear must allow the face to be visible and not interfere with the line of sight to any student or staff (except clothing/headwear worn for religious or medical purposes.)
- Students may wear headwear for religious or medical reasons.
Regulation of Student Dress
Student dress shall only be regulated when, in the judgment of school administrators, there is a reasonable expectation that:
- A health or safety hazard concern exists as a result from the student's dress or appearance including possible membership in an antisocial association or organization as defined in Board policy;
- Damage to school property may result from the student's dress; or
- A substantial disruption or material interference of the educational environment or process will result from the student’s dress or appearance.
Enforcement, Notice and Sanctions
This policy shall apply to the instructional day and all District and/or school sponsored events and activities.
Building principals shall be required to ensure that all staff members are aware of and understand the requirements of this policy.
Staff will use reasonable efforts not to discuss with a student a dress code violation in the presence of other students.
Any student whose attire does not meet the requirements of this policy may be asked to remedy the matter by covering, changing or removing the non complying clothing, jewelry or personal item where appropriate.
Students shall not be disciplined or removed from class as a consequence for wearing clothing, jewelry or a personal item in violation of this policy unless the item causes a substantial disruption or material interference to the educational environment or process, poses a hazard to the health or safety of others or contributes to the harassment, intimidation or bullying of another student or staff member. However, a student may be instructed to leave the classroom briefly to change clothes. Consequences may be imposed if a student is insubordinate after a discussion.
Where the clothing or other items of personal attire that are found to be dangerous, illegal or in violation of this policy and cannot be remedied through a student changing their attire, a student may be directed to remove the item to be placed in a secure location for the remainder of the school day to be taken home at the end of the day.
In the event such item(s) may cause a safety or security concern, the item(s) may be taken away from the student.
Any item taken from a student should be promptly delivered to the main office. A parent conference may be required before an item is returned.
The District assumes no responsibility for the loss or theft of, or for any damage to, any personal attire, jewelry or items that a student chooses to bring to school or to a school activity regardless of when the loss, theft, or damage occurs or where the personal attire, jewelry or item is located/possessed at the time the loss, theft, or damage occurs.
The District is permitted, but not obligated, to investigate or otherwise resolve the loss or theft of, or any damage to, any personal attire, jewelry or items.
This Dress Code shall be published in the District’s student expectations handbook. Violations of the Dress Code are subject to District disciplinary procedures.
Disabled Access and Services
Electronic Devices-Personal
Cell phones, personal music players, and other electronic devices are allowed in the building. When entering a classroom, students are required to follow the school’s expectation of putting their cell phone in the designated classroom cell phone caddy. Students must follow the Technology: Student Appropriate Use Policy included later in this handbook. SMHS Cell Phone Policy can be found here. Students using electronic devices to send text messages, make calls, use the Internet, or other non-class related activities without permission will have the item confiscated. Cameras, including the camera mode of cell phones, are prohibited to be used during the school day unless there is an educational need and the student has teacher or administrator permission. In addition, cell phones with camera capabilities are strictly forbidden in the physical education/athletics locker rooms and bathrooms. Electronic devices may be allowed at school-sponsored activities, including field trips at the discretion of administration. Tablets and electronic readers are allowed in class if the student has cleared it with the teacher first. Reading devices need to be turned off and stored in their backpack or put in a locker when not in use.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Procedures – Building Evacuation
When the school administration deems it necessary to evacuate a building, an announcement will be made over the Public Address system. The following procedures must be followed during a building evacuation.
- When evacuating the building, teachers should have a list of those students assigned to them at the time of the evacuation.
- Evacuation does not automatically mean that school is being dismissed for the day.
- All school rules are still in effect, including the use of cell phones.
- Two sites have been designated for evacuation of the 15th Avenue Campus:
- MIDDLE SCHOOL students and staff will move to Rawson Elementary School.
- HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS & DISTRICT OFFICE STAFF will move to Rawson Elementary School.
- Once students arrive at their site, no student under the age of 18 will be released from the site without permission from a parent/guardian. An administrator or their designee must speak to the parent/ guardian directly before approval will be given to be released. Students will remain at the site until a parent, guardian, or designated individual comes to pick them up. The School District requires all parents to update emergency contact information at the beginning of each school year.
Emergency Procedures – Fire
Evacuation is required any time the building fire alarm sounds. Teachers are responsible for acquainting each of their classes with the detailed directions for their room as posted. This should be done within the first week of school. Exit doors are listed on the sign in each room. Fire drills are held once each month during the school year.
- Walk briskly; never run.
- Stop all talking.
- Leave books and other materials in the classroom.
- Exit according to the directions posted in each classroom.
- The first students out should hold open all doors at the exit.
- The last one to leave the room must turn off the lights and close the door.
- Everyone must leave the building.
- Walk away from the building until you reach the designated outside area.
- Do not return to the building until you hear the “All Clear” from an administrator.
- High school classrooms that exit into the staff parking lot should move to 15th Avenue and/or the NW corner of the lot.
- When evacuating the building, teachers should have a list of those students assigned to them at the time of the evacuation.
- Evacuation of disabled students must be provided by the staff member supervising that student at the time of the evacuation. Assist the student to an area designated as “Area of Safe Refuge”.
- An activated fire alarm will require the evacuation of the entire 15th Avenue Campus, however, if the source of the alarm can be confirmed to be localized to one campus a full evacuation may not be necessary. An administrator will notify students and staff via the Public Address system for the campus that needs to be evacuated. Students and staff of the affected campus will remain aware of the situation until the “All Clear” signal is given.
Emergency Procedures – 5 Student actions of the Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
An announcement will be made over the Public Address system to initiate one of the 5 student actions of the Standard Response Protocol (SRP). In each action there are specific student and staff steps to take. The high school will train and drill on the SRP's throughout the school year. Please become familiar with the general concepts of the SRP.
Emergency Procedures – Tornado
A Tornado Drill is usually performed once each school year. In the event a tornado warning is issued, administrators will take responsibility for initiating the emergency plan of action via the Public Address system. Once the announcement is made, the following procedures should be followed.
- All students are to stay indoors, or move indoors if outdoors. Wind-driven objects are a great danger to anyone outside.
- The safest places in our school are those rooms away from outside windows. Students will move directly to the designated areas, which are posted in each room.
- Students are to sit or kneel on the floor, with heads held down, close together, faced away from any glass, outside wall, or door.
- Students should remain calm and quiet.
- The plan of action will remain in effect until an administrator announces the “All Clear” over the P.A. system.
- Evacuation of disabled students must be provided by the staff member supervising that student at the time of the evacuation. Assist the student to the designated area for that classroom.
- After Dismissal: If a tornado warning is issued, and a student is on the 6-12 campus, the student is required to go to a designated safe area and WILL NOT be released until the tornado warning has expired. A student may be released from a safe area prior to an “all-clear” only through parent/guardian authorization or self-authorization if the student has completed an age of majority form.
Tornado Watch: means conditions are such that a tornado might develop.
Tornado Warning: means that a tornado has been sighted.
Exam Policy (revised 12/11/24)
Semester exams are assessments facilitated by the teacher to measure each student’s academic growth and acquisition of the standards taught throughout the semester. A semester examination or appropriate culminating activity will be given in all high school courses and must be based on the standards identified through your department for that course and semester.
Students must remain in the exam classroom for the duration of the testing period. There is no circumstance where students may be dismissed early.
Students arriving 10-minutes late for semester exams may not be allowed to take the exam. It is the teacher’s discretion if they will allow students into the room to complete the semester exam. Students who miss an exam will need to make arrangements with their teacher to make-up the semester exam during the allotted times during exam days.
Makeup semester examinations or activities are permitted only in the case of a student whose absence is excused or has other extenuating circumstances. A student whose absence from the semester examination or activity is unexcused will receive an F for that examination. Exceptions to this must be approved by administration. Semester exams are not eligible for retakes. Key exam information:
- Semester exams may include assessments, labs, rubric-based assessments, collaborative projects, long-term writing projects, research papers, standards-based portfolios, or performance-based projects.
- Semester exams will be administered at the end of each semester, during January and June.
- Semester exams must be a rigorous academic activity or display of knowledge gained through standards-based coursework completion.
- Semester exams will factor in 15% of a student's grade.
Exam Exemption Policy
To qualify for semester exam exemptions students must meet the eligibility requirements. Each course syllabus will include information informing students whether semester exams can or cannot be exempted (transcripted credit or advanced standing agreements may impact this decision.) The criteria to allow or not allow a student to exempt a semester exam will be consistent among all teachers teaching the same course. Students who become ineligible after the initial sign-up may be denied exemption privileges up to the day of the semester exam. Administrators will notify students who become ineligible after being notified of the reason by the teacher.
Students who take Advanced Placement classes are expected to take the applicable AP exam, per the student handbook. Students who take the AP exam will be able to exempt the semester exam for the second semester. Additionally, students who take certification eligible classes and achieve certification in those courses will also be eligible to exempt the school-based semester exam for the semester in which they achieve the certification.
Courses include: all AP courses, and the certification eligible courses.
Standardized Test Exemption (section added 12/11/24)
If a student achieves the benchmark on their composite score on Horizon in the spring testing session, then they are eligible for an additional exam exemption, if they otherwise meet the criteria for exempting that exam. They can also earn the exemption if they demonstrate two points of growth toward the benchmark from the fall to spring tests. Students must take all three Horizon tests to be eligible for this additional exam exemption.
Semester Exam Exemption Eligibility Requirements
- A student’s class average at the time of the request must be a B(82.5%) or above, as defined by the grade percentage in Infinite Campus, and the average must be maintained for the remainder of the course.
- A student must have attended no less than 90% of all classes, unless absent for a pre-approved school based activity or event.
- Faculty will check academic records and notify students who qualify. Students will be notified of their exemption status from their teachers.
Allowed Exemptions
- FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORES and JUNIORS may choose to exempt one (1) semester exam for one (1) class that ends in January, and one (1) class that ends in June, provided qualifications are met and maintained.
- SENIORS may choose to exempt any semester exam, provided qualifications are met and maintained. Seniors may only exempt semester exams in January for courses that end in January.
The school board may expel a student from school whenever it finds that the interest of the school demands the student’s expulsion and finds the student:
- Is guilty of repeated refusal or neglect to obey the rules; or
- Knowingly conveyed or caused to be conveyed any threat or false information concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or to be made to destroy school property by means of explosives; or
- Engaged in conduct while at school or while under the supervision of a school authority which endangered the property, health or safety of others; or
- While not at school or while not under the supervision of a school authority, engaged in conduct which endangered the property, health or safety of others at school or under the supervision of a school authority or engaged on conduct which endangered the property, health or safety of any employee or school board member of the district; or
- Is at least age 16 years and repeatedly engaged in conduct while at school or while under the supervision of a school authority that disrupted the ability of school authorities to maintain order or an educational atmosphere at school or at an activity supervised by a school authority, and such conduct does not constitute other grounds for expulsion under Section 120.13(l)(c)l of the Wisconsin Statutes; and/or
- While at school or while under the supervision of a school authority, possessed a firearm [as defined by [18 U.S.C. 921(a)(3)].
Fees and Financial Obligations
All students are required to pay annual school fees.
Fees will be assessed for lost or damaged Library or classroom books, and other materials provided by the school. Locks for students in Physical Education classes and for athletics will be issued free of charge. A replacement lock for any damaged, lost, or stolen lock will be issued at a charge of the current lock replacement cost as established by the School District.
District policy states that a parent/guardian is responsible to clear all school obligations for their children. Diplomas will be held until all outstanding fees have been paid in full.
Payment of school fees can be made online by credit/debit card through Infinite Campus, or by cash or check in the High School Main Office.
Field Trips
All field trips must be approved by the school’s administration. Students participating in a field trip must submit a completed permission form signed by a parent/guardian, and each of their classroom teachers, and pay all appropriate fees prior to the field trip. The South Milwaukee School Board must approve all overnight out-of-state/country field trips at least six (6) months in advance of the trip, or as soon as possible.
Students may be denied the privilege of participating in any field trip if they have a previous school record of violations that indicates they may be detrimental to the school if they were a part of the trip. This may include record of past substance abuse, poor attendance, excessive discipline records, or inappropriate conduct in classrooms. Appeals should be made to an administrator.
All school rules and regulations apply while on a field trip. Students are responsible for taking care of any make-up homework/class work when classes are missed during a field trip. We do not recommend that students participate in more than one field trip per week.
Upon return from a field trip before the end of the school day, students must either return to class or stay with a parent chaperone as directed by the field trip advisor.
Food and Beverages
Food and beverages should be consumed in a responsible manner. Teachers have the discretion to allow or not allow food and/or beverages in their classroom. Beverages outside of the Commons must be in a sealable and spill-proof container when being transported through the halls. Be aware that this is a privilege that can be revoked in the event that students do not treat the school environment with respect such as not disposing of garbage in a responsible manner.
During the scheduled lunch times, students must eat lunch in the Commons. Eating lunch outside the Commons, such as in classrooms, pods or the library is prohibited, unless they have prior approval from administration.
Special food deliveries (GrubHub, Uber Eats, McDonalds, etc.) will not be allowed during the school day unless there are special circumstances. Food delivered to the main office, or unauthorized door, will be sent back with the person delivering the food, and will not be accepted or delivered to the student.
When students arrive late to school with food/beverages purchased on the way to school, it shows that they could have arrived earlier if they had not stopped to purchase those items. They will be required to turn the product over to office staff upon entering the building and will be sent to class.
Graduation Policy
In order to graduate, students must successfully earn sufficient credits. Detailed information is available in the high school’s Career & Planning Guide course offering information on the High School website.
Early Graduation
Early graduation may be allowed if a student has completed the required credits. Students may graduate early at the end of their 7th semester. Students who graduate early may participate in the June Graduation ceremony. The Early Graduation application is available on the High School website.
Early Graduation Requirements
- Meets all credit requirements
- A documented plan
- If going to work: Job must be secured with a letter from the employer indicating start date of full time employment
- If going to college: Student must provide acceptance letter indicating spring semester start date
- If going to military: Letter from military branch/recruiter indicating basic training start date
- Exit interview must be conducted prior to Winter Break in December with student and interview team to discuss student’s Academic and Career Plan (ACP).
- Students need to declare early graduation status by June 1st of junioryear.
- For requests that come in after June 1st: in the event of an extenuating circumstance (significant life change and/or need that requires early graduation):
- Student must meet directly with counselor/social worker/psychologist and administrator to discuss their personal situation;
- Letter written by student explaining the situation is required prior to the meeting
- If under 18, parent/guardian must approve the early graduation
- For requests that come in after June 1st: in the event of an extenuating circumstance (significant life change and/or need that requires early graduation):
Graduation Ceremony
A student shall be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony if they complete all required 25 credits for graduation and meet the attendance and behavior requirements for participation. All students intending to participate in the commencement ceremony are required to participate in all scheduled practices and observe established behavioral and dress guidelines.
Graduation Honors
The approval criteria for establishing honor students is as follows.
Valedictorian(s): The valedictorian is the student with the highest cumulative GPA.
Salutatorian(s): The salutatorian is the student with the next highest cumulative GPA to the hundredth decimal point without rounding.
Top 10%:
Determined by using a list of students’ cumulative GPA’s by cohort year.
If necessary, the hundredth decimal point will be used with no rounding.
Exchange students will not be included in the top 10%.
Honor Cords (Senior Honor Awards Program):
- Fifteen (15) quarters cumulative GPA is used to determine eligibility.
- Honor cords are given to any student who has a 3.0000 cumulative GPA or above.
- High honor - white and gold honor cord (3.5000 and above)
- Honor - double gold honor cord (3.0000 to 3.4999)
- Exchange students will not be included in the top 10%.
Graduation Requirements
Students are required to attend the high school for four years in grades 9–12 (8 semesters), and must successfully complete all of the established requirements. Special education students must meet requirements as identified by their Individual Education Plan (IEP). A student must have attended South Milwaukee High School for at least one full semester to be eligible for a South Milwaukee High School diploma. Exceptions may be granted upon recommendation of the principal.
In order to graduate students must successfully earn 25 credits.
Credit Key:
1.0 Credit Awarded for the successful completion of a course that meets for two (2) Semesters or Full Year
0.5 Credit Awarded for the successful completion of a course that meets for one (1) Semester
(exceptions: Youth Apprenticeship, Internship, Co-op, Office Aide, Mentor)
Required Credits
4 credits English
.5 credit Careers
.5 credit Health
3 credits Mathematics
1.5 credits Physical Education*
3 credits Science
3 credits Social Studies
9.5 credits Electives
Detailed information about required & elective courses are available in the Academic & Career Planning Guide.
Per WI Act 55, all students are required to meet/pass a civics exam requirement for graduation.
Students are allowed to repeat a course; however, they may only receive credit for the course once. The grade the student receives in the second course will replace the grade earned the first time if the first grade was a, C, D, F or Incomplete.
*Note: Students unable to participate in regular physical education courses may be scheduled for adaptive physical education upon the recommendation of a physician or IEP. If a student cannot be programmed for an adaptive physical education class, a waiver for medical reason upon recommendation of a physician will be accepted. The credits must be made up in other areas.
Hall Passes
During the school day, students must have an electronic “SmartPass” to be in the hallway. Any student without an appropriate pass will automatically be sent back to class. No hall passes will be issued during the first five or last five minutes of any class period. All student aides must carry an office pass when performing assigned duties outside of the area they are assigned to work.
Health Services
School nursing services support students by managing health related barriers to learning. Direct services are provided to students through the combined efforts of the District Nurse, South Milwaukee Health Department, school office assistants, designated teachers, and health room/instructional paraprofessionals.
The District Nurse provides direct health services to students and works to promote a healthy school environment, student health, and learning. This person also trains our staff to care for students when the nurse is not in the building, how to use emergency rescue medications such as EpiPens, albuterol, and diastat.
When registering your child for school, completing the "health concerns" section is the first step for assuring appropriate care will be provided for your child while attending school. If your child's health professional has ordered a special healthcare procedure to be performed during the school day, Authorization Forms for Healthcare Procedures (general, catheterization, and g-tube feedings) are available from a District Nurse. Knowing something about your child is just the first step, however; we will want to work with you to develop a plan so your child can be safe and successful in school.
No school employee may dispense any medications, prescription or non-prescription, without written consent from a parent or legal guardian. Prescription medications may not be dispensed without additional written approval and instructions from the physician who prescribed the medication. Students found to be in possession of prescription medications may be subject to disciplinary action.
When students must take medication (including inhalers and EpiPens) during school hours for a chronic or temporary health problem, it is necessary to have the required written authorizations on file in the Health Office prior to the medication being dispensed. This written permission must state the amount of medication and the time it is to be administered. It is further understood that this must be done for each individual student with a health problem and each individual illness of a student.
All prescribed medications are kept in a locked area except as otherwise directed by the physician. All medication is to be taken under school supervision. School personnel cannot provide any medicine to students without written authorization from a parent/guardian. All medications not picked up on the last day of the school year will be destroyed.
Students are responsible for remembering to take their medication according to the schedule set up by the school nurse. Reminders will not be sent.
*Note: Students with inhalers used for asthma, or EpiPens are allowed to carry them while at school, under the following conditions:
- The pupil must use the inhaler or EpiPen for the symptoms for which they were prescribed.
- The pupil must provide the school with written approval of their physician and, if the pupil is a minor, the written approval of the parent or guardian.
- The student must show competency in use of an inhaler or Epipen.
Pupils may, at their option, provide the inhaler/EpiPen to a staff member when engaged in physical activity; in the alternative, the pupil may possess the inhaler on their person during such activities. If the student retains the inhaler upon their person, it is the responsibility of the student to advise the staff member that the student has retained possession of the inhaler when engaged in such physical activities. (s118.291)
It is expected that most students in the High School will have some homework each night. The amount of homework required varies with the courses selected. Daily homework is essential if a student expects to meet the standards established for certain courses. The type of work a student does at home can be broken into three categories:
Preparation Homework
Preparation homework helps to prepare students for an upcoming lesson or unit. Teachers requiring preparation exercises may present them as a challenge to the students rather than have students read a chapter in their text and answer the questions at the end. This will minimize having students read the questions first and just search for answers, instead of reading the chapter in its entirety for comprehension.
Practice Homework
Practice homework is defined as work assigned to students to provide further opportunity to master the knowledge and skills taught in class. Through practice activities, students build confidence and develop greater understanding of the concepts covered in class. Meaningful practice activities engage students in applying learning in a personal way rather than promote random problems or the memorization of content. Teachers and students may collaborate to determine practice needs.
Work Done at Home (Not Homework)/Long Term Assignments
Long Term assignments call for students to go beyond the information obtained in the classroom. Examples of creative extensions of classroom assignments and authentic assessments of student are those that:
- require students to produce self-initiated projects;
- encourage individualized experiences, emphasizing production rather than reproduction;
- offer students the opportunity to think critically and engage in problem-solving activities;
- encourage students to delve further into the information presented in class and construct their personal model of understanding; and
- provide students with the freedom to show what they have learned through analysis, research, synthesis, and evaluation exercises.
These long-term assignments will not be calculated as part of the homework percentage of a student’s final grade as previously mentioned. It is the students’ responsibility to hand on long-term assignments on the due date set by the teacher. Long-term assignments that are not done accurately, but are completed on time and, in the opinion of the teacher, reflect genuine effort, will receive no less than 56% of the credit earned. How long and at what credit a completed long-term assignment will be accepted is at the discretion of the department/grade level team. This late work will receive no less than 50% of the credit earned if the work had been turned in on time. Work that is not attempted may receive a zero. Special circumstances such as legitimate absence, limiting conditions, etc., will be dealt with on an individual basis.
Students will receive a Class Expectations handout from each of the teachers on the first day of classes to clearly outline the homework guidelines for the class.
Students are required to request homework directly through their teacher through email or Google classroom to keep up with their work during an absence.
Honor Roll
Identification Cards
Students receive a picture identification card at the beginning of the school year. I.D. cards are needed to check out library materials, to use school computers, to attend school activities, and for use with lunch/breakfast accounts. Students are required to be in possession of their I.D. cards while at school and present them for identification when requested by a staff member. Failure to have an ID or refusal to identify yourself when asked will be considered insubordination and the student will be sent to their appropriate administrator. Replacement of a lost, stolen, or damaged I.D. is $1.00. Go to High School Student Services Office for all I.D. card needs.
Illness During School Hours
Except in an emergency, students must obtain a pass from their teacher before going to the Nurse’s Office for medical assistance or to call a parent/guardian to come and pick them up due to illness or injury while at school. An agent of the school will only release a student after speaking to a parent/guardian and receiving permission to release the student.
Incomplete Grades
When a teacher determines that a student does not have enough evidence to communicate students’ achievement levels in a course, a teacher may give an incomplete that is carried onto the transcript. Students will have an opportunity to replace the “incomplete” with a grade by completing and demonstrating proficiency on the required assessments within a two-week period for the current course. If the student fails to complete the work in the two-week period, the teacher will submit a grade change with the final grade reflecting both the grades earned for the work that was completed and the grades for the missing work (i.e. the final grade).
Note: Exceptions will be made with students for extenuating circumstances and will be up to teacher discretion with administrator approval. It will be up to the teacher and student to identify an appropriate timeline for work completion and grade change updates.
In School Suspension (ISS)
Placement of a student in the In School Suspension (ISS) will be at the discretion of the administration. Each case will be evaluated individually; the nature, number and seriousness of the offenses will be factors considered for placement. The administration may seek the input of school counselors, special services personnel, and classroom teachers in reaching this decision.
- Students assigned to the ISS will be in an environment that isolates them from their peers. Students will receive academic support, and be able to progress academically through involvement and support of staff.
- Students may be assigned for a part or all of a school day. Students must complete all time assigned to the ISS.
- Students may be required to write a reflection regarding the incident that led to their placement in the ISS, and how they may act differently in similar situations in the future.
- Students will not be allowed to sleep while in the ISS. They will be engaged in work.
- When all schoolwork is completed, other reading assignments will be available.
- No cell phones are allowed.
Laser Pointers
Library Media Center
The library is a shared space for all stakeholders.
- Teachers are encouraged to reserve the library spaces for their classes when not in use.
- During the school day, students may use their building library without a teachers ONLY if they have a pass from a classroom teacher or administrator.
- Before and after school, students may use the library if a librarian or library assistant is in the library.
- All library furniture should be returned to its original place after rearranging for class, team, or group use.
Library Materials
- Items are checked out for a pre-determined amount of time.
- LIbrary materials may be renewed as necessary, as determined by teachers and the librarian.
- Notices for overdue materials will be emailed regularly. Printed notices may be distributed on an as-needed basis.
- All users are encouraged to return overdue items. The library assistant and librarian will discuss lost materials with students and their parents to determine the next steps that will be taken.
- Users who have excessive numbers of items checked out and/or lost may lose their library privileges.
Libraries and Chromebooks
- Students who are experiencing issues with their Chromebooks should first talk to their teacher. If the teacher cannot resolve the Chromebook issues, then the students will take the device to their school library. The library assistant will determine the next steps to resolve the Chromebook issue and ensure the student has a working device.
- The library assistant may decide to replace the Chromebook. This may take place within 24 hours.
- The students are issued Chromebooks that are owned by the district; it is the student's responsibility to take care of the device.
- Costs for Chromebook repair or replacement will be determined when the device is repaired. These costs are placed on students' Infinite Campus accounts.
Lockers and Locks
Street Lockers: A street locker will be assigned to all students. All locks and lockers remain the property of the school.
- Students assume all responsibility for the contents of their locker whether content belongs to them or not. The School District of South Milwaukee is not liable for any losses that they may incur; therefore, never leave a locker unlocked, tell others your combination, or share your locker with another student.
- Nothing packaged in a glass container, special ink, or cosmetic items should be kept in your locker. Lockers should be kept clean and orderly at all times.
- A fee may be assessed if additional cleaning is necessary. Students may not deface lockers in any manner. Permanent marking of lockers inside and outside is strictly prohibited.
- Students should minimize locker usage during classes.
- Students may not use empty lockers without prior permission of an administrator.
- Students are not allowed to share lockers. Contents may be confiscated for anyone in an unassigned locker.
Lockers are cleaned out the week after school gets out, or, in the case of a withdrawn student, a week after the withdrawal date. Items not picked up within one week will be donated to a charitable organization.
Physical Education Lockers: A physical education locker is assigned to each student during the time period the student is enrolled in physical education. All locks and lockers remain the property of the school.
- Students assume all responsibility for the contents of their locker whether they are yours or not. The School District of South Milwaukee and the Physical Education Department are not liable for any losses that they may incur; therefore, never leave a locker unlocked, tell others your combination, or share your locker with another student.
- Students are expected to clean out their locker when they are no longer scheduled in a physical education class. Failure to clean out the locker such as leaving items behind, including personal belongings and/or garbage will result in the student being assessed a $5.00 clean-out fee.
- Students will have a one week period to collect personal belongings. If items are not recovered they will be placed in Lost & Found and donated to charity.
Locker Searches
All school lockers (including street, physical education, etc.) are the property of the school district. The district will at all times have exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. Periodic general inspections of lockers may be conducted by school authorities as determined necessary or appropriate at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. Personal belongings of the student found within the locker may be searched by the building principal or designee if there is reasonable suspicion that the search will turn up evidence that a particular law, school policy or school rule has been or is being violated. (Policy 446.1; Wisconsin Statutes Section 118.35).
Students are not allowed to go to other school district property at any time during the school day without permission from the office. No person shall loiter in or about any school or public place at or near which children or students attend or normally congregate. As used in this section, "loiter" means to delay, to linger or to idle in or about any said school or public place without a lawful purpose for being present. This section applies to students during the school day loitering in areas of school property without permission.
Lost and Found
Make-Up Work
When students have been absent from class, they should discuss and agree on a reasonable make-up date with their teacher. Length of absence, reason for absence, and course load should all be considered when setting the date. The teacher has a responsibility to give students any needed help and direction, but it is the student’s responsibility to see that all work is completed and turned in on time. See a Counselor or Associate Principal if there are special circumstances.
Students are required to request homework directly through their teacher through email or Google classroom to keep up with their work during an absence.
Pre-Arranged Absences
If a student knows they will be absent from school for two or more days for a non-school activity, the student must complete a pre-arranged absence form. These forms are available from attendance and should be completed and returned to the student’s Associate Principal at least three (3) days prior to the absence.
Make-up Policy for Suspended Students
By state law (120.13b), students suspended shall not be denied the opportunity to take any examination missed during the suspension period.
Make-up Policy for Unexcused Absences
A truant student will receive a zero or an incomplete for all routine class work missed. The opportunity to make up major exams or projects will depend on the record of the student and the nature and frequency of the offense. No public school may deny a pupil credit in a course or subject solely because of the pupil’s unexcused absence from school 118.16(4)(b).
Nutrition Services Guidelines
The High School Commons is open 7:00-7:25am for breakfast on school days.
Cafeteria Expectations
1. Students must be in the High School Commons throughout their lunch period, until dismissed to class.
2. Food and beverages are not allowed anywhere other than the Commons.
3. Place all litter in the trash containers and return all dishes to the dish return window.
4. Practice good manners.
5. Do not wear jackets/coats, backpacks, or large purses in the food lines.
6. Do not go to street lockers during the lunch period.
Self-Serve Cafeteria Line
Students are asked to consider their choices carefully. Please ask servers if you have any questions about any offered dishes. If you touch it, it is yours. There will be consequences for “ditching” and theft of food.
1st offense | Warning |
Warning/Letter Mailed Home |
2nd Offense | Charged for item/letter mailed home | Charged for item + 5 day Removal from Commons-Bag Lunch in In School Suspension |
3rd Offense | Charged for item + 5 day Removal from Commons/Bag Lunch in In School Suspension | Municipal Fine $177.00-$429.00+10 day removal from Commons/bag lunch in In School Suspension (ISS)* |
4th Offense | Municipal Fine $177.00-$429.00+10 day removal from Commons/bag lunch in In School Suspension (ISS)* |
*Options available for working off fines at $8.00/hour and Community Service.
Nutrition Services Program
The School District of South Milwaukee utilizes a computerized debit system for its food service program. Each student receives an identification card at the beginning of the school year. Students scan their ID card, or type in their pin number in the breakfast/lunch line to pay for the meal, whether the student is paying in cash or on account. Theft of a student ID card or pin number should be reported to an administrator immediately.
Payment Options
1. It is recommended that parents pre-pay into a student’s meal account. This is easily done online at www.myschoolbucks.com, which is linked on the school district website www.sdsm.k12.wi.us. Parents may also send a check with a student to school, or by mailing a check to School District of South Milwaukee, Attention Food Service, 901 15th Avenue, South Milwaukee, WI, 53172. One check may cover all students in the family, if preferred, regardless of which South Milwaukee school they attend. Simply include student names, ID numbers, and indicate the amount to be deposited in each account on check or deposit slip.
2. Students may make payment into their account in the breakfast or lunch line, after scanning their ID card.
Special Notes
Cashiers will notify students when their meal account falls below $8.00, and will continue to remind them until payment is made. Charging meals will not be allowed.
Students approved for free or reduced priced meals will also use their ID card to purchase meals. The computer program is set to recognize a student’s meal status. There is no identification of their meal status to others.
Applications for free and reduced priced meals are available at student registration or in the High School office during the school year. Families may apply for meal benefits at any time during the school year when financial or household circumstances change.
Parents have the ability to view their student’s account balance and print a copy of their eating history, which shows all dates and times that the student has purchased a breakfast or lunch within the past thirty days, online at www.myschoolbucks.com. There is no fee for this service. Reports may also be requested from the Nutrition Services Department for further history by calling 414-766-5023.
Year-end balances will be carried over into the next school year, unless the child is graduating. If your child graduates or withdraws from the South Milwaukee public schools, you may request a refund of the balance, or transfer the funds to the account of a younger sibling.
Meal Prices
All prices are subject to change.
School |
Meal |
Full Pay |
Reduced |
Free |
Milk Only/ Extra Milk |
Elementary |
Breakfast |
$1.65 |
free |
free |
$.50 |
Lunch |
$2.95 |
$.40 |
free |
$.50 |
Middle School |
Breakfast |
$1.75 |
free |
free |
$.50 |
Lunch |
$3.30 |
$.40 |
free |
$.50 |
High School |
Breakfast |
$1.85 |
free |
free |
$.50 |
Lunch |
$3.30 |
$.40 |
free |
$.50 |
Adult (in student cafeteria) |
Breakfast |
$2.85 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Lunch |
$4.75 |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
More information about Meal Deal, a la carte, and nutrition can be found on the school district website at www.sdsm.k12.wi.us.
Bad Checks Policy
The School District of South Milwaukee does not absorb the Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) service fee charged by the bank for checks written to the district/school that bounce. Individuals who bounce a check will be contacted to make their food services payment in cash, and will be charged for the NSF service fees. Make sure that you have sufficient funds in your checking account before writing a check to the district/school to avoid having to pay this additional amount. MySchoolBucks will block future online use for non-sufficient payments, as well.
Unpaid Meal Charges Procedure
The goal of the Nutrition Services department is to provide healthy meals to students during the school day. In order to serve healthy, high-quality meals to all students, we must make sure we are financially solvent. You play a key role in this effort, and are responsible for purchases made by your child on their Nutrition Services account.
The purpose of this procedure is to establish consistent meal account procedures throughout the School District. Unpaid charges place a financial strain on the Nutrition Services department.
This procedure will:
- Ensure that all students have a healthy meal and that no student goes hungry.
- Support positive and clear communication among staff, administrators, teachers, students and parent/guardian.
- Encourage that the parent/guardian will assume the responsibility for the nutritional needs of their student whether it be providing a cold meal or funds for hot meals.
- Promote self-responsibility of the student.
- Establish a consistent practice regarding charges and collection of charges.
General Understandings
- If the student brings enough money for a meal for that day, then the student will be able to receive a regular meal.
- All students with negative accounts will be prohibited from purchasing a la carte items.
- Parents/Guardians can add money to a Student’s Account by:
- Sending a payment with the student
- Paying via the My School Bucks online portal.
- Parents will make a good faith effort to keep their students account in good standing and if the account is not in good standing the parents will send a cold lunch with their student or make a deposit to the account.
- Student nutrition needs will be satisfied while in attendance at school.
Procedure for Collection:
Step 1: Once the student’s account gets to 85.00 or less, the cashier will notify the family that they are getting close to $0 and should consider making a deposit into their student's account.
Step 2: When the account falls below $0, the cashier will notify the parent/guardian that their student’s account is below $0 and that a payment is needed to make the account in good standing. In addition, the cashier will inform them that if the account falls below negative $10 a cold lunch should be sent with the student.
Step 3: When the account gets to (-$10.00) the School Nutrition Director or designee shall call the parents/guardians informing them of the account situation and inform them that the parent should deposit funds into the account and/or send a cold lunch with the student. Also, a letter will be sent home for the parents/guardians to fill out a Free and Reduced Meal Application.
Step 4: When the account reaches (-$20.00) the Principal or designee shall contact the student’s parents/guardians that the account is negative.
Step 5: If the account is not paid off after 3 school days of the Principal or designee contact, a letter will be sent stating that if the account is not in good standing in 2 days, the Principal will contact the parents/guardian and arrange a meeting to discuss the negative account balance.
Step 6: If the parents/guardians, after Step 5, still do not get the account back to good standing or the parents/guardians are not providing a cold lunch, then the department of Health and Human Service or other appropriate agency will be contacted to address the student’s need.
Office Referral
Students who are removed from class, athletic teams, or activity groups because of disruptive behavior must report to their Associate Principal or the Activities, Athletics, and Recreation Coordinator. Disciplinary action will be taken and parents will be informed. Reinstatement in the class, team, or activity group may be preceded by a conference with an administrator, a counselor, a parent and/or a teacher. If repeated referrals occur other steps may include but are not limited to detention, suspension, placement on a probationary behavioral contract, or drop from a class with a failing grade.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parents may make appointments at any time for conferences with teachers, counselors, or administrators by calling the High School office. We encourage parent conferences to discuss your student’s program, plans, or problems with the school faculty and staff.
Detailed information will be sent prior to each scheduled parent-teacher conferences. All parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the teachers of their students. Close contact with student’s teachers will facilitate success. Check the calendar for details on dates and times for conferences throughout the school year.
Parking and Parking Lot
Loitering in cars or in the parking lot is not allowed at any time. Students who park their vehicles on school property do so at their own risk. The School District of South Milwaukee is not liable for any damages that may occur.
School officials may search any vehicle parked on school property if they have reasonable suspicion that the vehicle contains weapons, drugs or other illegal items.
Students may not park in the lot without a registered state license plate displayed. License plates with confederate flags or other inappropriate markings will not be allowed.
All students must enter and exit the lot via the parkway. No traffic is permitted in the staff parking lot, including drop off and pick up before and after school and after activity/athletic events. Traffic from the parkway is two-way, except after school from 2:40-3:15pm when the East drive is used for exit only. There is no left turn onto 15th Avenue from the Oak Creek parkway from 2:40-4:00pm on days school is in session. Parents must drop off or pickup students in the student parking lot or on 15th Avenue. Students are not permitted to drive through the staff parking lot at any time. Violators may have their permit suspended or revoked.
Unauthorized or illegally parked vehicles may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
Phone Calls
Phone calls to students during the school day are discouraged, except in case of an emergency. Students may not make phone calls during class time unless it is for emergency purposes. There is a designated phone in the main high school office for emergency use only. Use of that phone is a privilege and may be restricted.
Physical Education Rules
At the beginning of each semester, students participating in a physical education class will receive classroom policies and procedures from their teacher both in written form and verbally in group settings. Students will be asked to meet face-to-face with their teacher to verbally commit their understanding of the dress codes, jewelry rules, and swimming procedures. Students and parents will be asked to sign a copy of the written policies and procedures to acknowledge that they have read and understand them.
Physical Education – Excused From Class
- Single day request to be excused from class should be made by the student with their teacher. The teacher will send the student to the school nurse if the condition warrants. If a student feels ill, but not enough to go home, the student will be asked to dress in uniform and will moderate their activity level. (No student will remain in street clothes in physical education class.)
- If the medical excuse is for a period of time less than 10 school days, a short-term Action Plan will be implemented.
- If the medical excuse is 10 school days or more, the student will be required to re-take the physical education class.
- In the case of a permanent medical excuse, the graduation requirement of one and one-half credits must be earned through a Medical Action Plan. This plan notifies the students Counselor, Associate Principal, School Nurse and Parent/Guardian of the guidelines to follow for credit completion.
- Students may not participate in intramural or interscholastic athletic events if medically excused from Physical Education.
- A physician must issue a medical excuse. It must include the following:
- Specific illness or injury and specific activities that the student is ALLOWED to participate in.
- Date to return to activity.
Students protected under Section 504. Certain health and/or medical conditions may require the district to determine whether a child is eligible for specialized physical education under a provision of the law titled Section 504. To be protected under section 504, a student must be determined to: have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Section 504 requires that South Milwaukee School District provide a free appropriate public education to qualified students in their jurisdictions who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activity. After a referral for Section 504 eligibility is made, an evaluation is conducted. Students qualifying for Section 504 would then have an accommodation plan developed detailing the child’s educational program including physical education.
Physical Education – Uniform
Students are required to wear school approved gym attire as directed by the Physical Education teacher.
Police Liaison
Religious Beliefs
The District shall provide for the reasonable accommodation of a student’s sincerely held religious beliefs with regard to examinations and other academic requirements, upon written request, and with approval of the building principal. Accommodations may include, but not necessarily be limited to, exclusion from participation in an activity, alternative assignments, and release time from school to participate in religious activities and opportunities to make up work missed due to religious observances. Any accommodations granted under this policy shall be provided to students without prejudicial effect.
If any student believes this policy was not followed correctly the student should first attempt to resolve the situation through the building Principal or Associate Principal. Formal written complaints may be directed to Jennifer Sielaff, Director of Personnel, Administrative & Legal Services, 901-15th Avenue, South Milwaukee, WI 53172. The phone number is 414-766-5011. (Please see Policy 411 and Rule 411 for specific steps and timelines).
Reporting Grades
A grade report will be issued to students following the close of each grading period. Academic achievement will be reported using letter grades. The letter grades are defined as follows:
- (90-100%) A = assessments indicate an advanced level of proficiency in understanding concepts and skills. The essential standards for this course are fully and consistently met and frequently extended.
- (80-89%) B = assessments indicate a proficient level of understanding concepts and skills trending toward advanced. Most of the essential standards for this course are fully and consistently met and occasionally extended.
- (70-79%) C = assessments indicate a proficient understanding of concepts and skills. Most of the essential standards for this course are met.
- (60-69%) D = assessments indicate a minimal understanding of concepts and skills. Few of the essential standards for this course are fully or consistently met.
- (less than 59%) F = assessments indicate failure to show evidence of meeting the essential standards for this course.
- I = insufficient evidence available to assess the essential standards for this course.
In all courses that award one full credit for completion and are sequential in nature, students use skills and knowledge learned during the first semester of the course to demonstrate an understanding of new concepts and skills during the second semester of the course. In cases where students receive a failing grade or an incomplete for a final first semester grade in these classes, students may be able to improve this letter grade to a D by demonstrating proficiency in sequential skills and knowledge with a second semester final grade of C or better.
Students’ Role and Responsibilities
- Attend school regularly.
- Complete schoolwork in a thoughtful, timely manner that is reflective of your best effort.
- Prepare for assignments and assessments in order to develop knowledge, skills, understandings, and work habits.
- Take ownership for the honesty and integrity of all assignments/assessments.
- Respond to feedback in order to further develop knowledge, skills, understandings, and work habits.
- Seek to maintain a balance in all of the learning activities in life.
- Take initiative to check personal progress and communicate concerns and questions with teachers.
- Advocate for variety and flexibility in assignments and assessments.
- Ask questions, seek additional support, and try new learning strategies as necessary.
- Review and monitor progress over time.
- Contribute to a productive learning environment.
- Take responsibility for one’s learning.
Parent/Guardians’ Role and Responsibilities
- Ensure good attendance.
- Understand and reinforce expectations for quality student work.
- Throughout the learning process, place more emphasis on learning by students that focuses on the development of skills, (analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating), content knowledge, understandings, and work habits.
- Monitor student progress in meeting course learning objectives in a manner that empowers students to develop personal responsibility and autonomy.
- Promote using feedback as an important part of the learning process.
- Support and model a balance in all of the learning activities in life.
- Provide current contact information (work, home phone numbers, email) and contact teachers with concerns regarding progress.
- Advocate for variety and flexibility in assignments and assessments.
- Encourage students to ask questions, seek additional support, and try new learning strategies as necessary.
- Review and monitor progress over time.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences.
- Encourage and model appropriate behaviors.
Students must be a resident of the City of South Milwaukee or approved through a state enrollment program (such as open enrollment or tuition waiver) to attend school in the School District of South Milwaukee. If the district believes that a student is not living in the City of South Milwaukee and is not a participant in a state program for enrollment, the district may investigate the status of the student and may revoke enrollment privileges as necessary. Parents/guardians of a student that resides in the district with someone other than the parents/guardians will be required to complete a Determination of Residency Status form. Students may not reside in the district with someone other than the parents/guardians for the sole purpose of attending school in the district. Parents/guardians of a student who move out of the district during the school year must complete a tuition waiver form for the student to remain in the district (School Board Policy 420).
Schedule Changes
The procedure for requesting a class change may require input from several sources, including; parents, teachers, School Counselors, and Associate Principals. Students should see their Counselor to request a class change.
Schedule changes will only be considered for the following reasons:
- make-up of a failed course, if there is room in the class
- computer/clerical error
- inappropriate placement (e.g. prerequisite not met)
- administrative recommendation
- medical reason
A written request from a parent/guardian must accompany any other request for a change, with the understanding that it may not be possible to grant the request. A student must have the recommendation of the teacher of the course, parent, counselor, and administrator to add/drop a course. If a course is dropped, depending on when the course is dropped, and the purpose for dropping the course, a failing grade for that course may be recorded on the student’s transcript.
School Store (Orbit)
Searches of Students
A student and their personal possessions may be searched by the building principal or their designee if there is reasonable suspicion that the search will turn up evidence that a particular law, school policy or school rule has been or is being violated. The extent of the search will be governed by the seriousness of the alleged infraction, the student’s age and gender, the student’s disciplinary history and any other relevant circumstances or information (Policy 446; Wisconsin Statutes Section 118.32).
Selective Service Registration
Male high school students who are citizens or resident aliens must register within 30 days of their 18th birthday.
Where: At any U.S. Post Office or from a School Counselor
How: By filling out a Selective Service Registration Form and presenting personal identification.
Selective Service Website: https://www.usa.gov/selective-service
Skateboards and Scooters
Smoking/Vaping/Ignition Devices
Smoking-State law prohibits smoking on premises owned or rented by the School District of South Milwaukee. The law applies to pupils and adults. This is also a violation of City Ordinance 24.03(B) and 24.24. State Law 48.983(2)(c) and City Ordinance 24.24 state that a minor may not possess any cigarette, vaping, or tobacco product.
Vaping- This is a violation of City Ordinance 24.24 "Vapor products" shall mean noncombustible products, that may or may not contain nicotine, that employ a mechanical heating element, battery, electronic circuit, or other mechanism, regardless of shape or size, that can be used to produce a vapor in a solution or other form, including but not limited to an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device. "Vapor products" shall include any vapor cartridge, solution, or other container, that may or may not contain nicotine, that is intended to be used with an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device (i.e. Juul). The possession or purchase of vapor products by anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited.
Ignition Devices - City Ordinance 27.15 prohibits the sale and/or possession of any ignition devices to/by a minor. Ignition devices are defined as matches, lighters, or any other materials when used for the purpose of ignition.
Student Aides
Students may apply to work for various offices, performing a variety of duties. These students must demonstrate responsible behavior. Those who do not meet minimum eligibility requirements may be denied the privilege. Students interested in becoming an aide should get a Permanent Pass Application from the Associate Principal’s Office. Grades for aides will be recorded on a Pass/No Credit basis and will not count in determining grade point average. Students may earn a maximum of one-half (.50) credit each school year (.25 credit each semester) toward graduation.
Student Conduct
District students shall act in such a fashion that their behavior will reflect favorably on the individual student and on the school, show consideration for fellow students, and create a harmonious school atmosphere. To accomplish this, each student must recognize individual responsibilities and obligations and discharge them in accordance with school regulations. Students are expected to abide by the conduct rules as outlined in the student handbook, in the rules and regulations established by the building principal for each school and by the Classroom Code of Conduct approved by the School Board of Education (Policy 443, 443.1).
Student Expression
School editors and writers must observe the same legal responsibilities as those imposed upon conventional newspapers and the news media. For this reason, school journalists must refrain from publication of material that is obscene, libelous, and disruptive or that infringes upon the rights of others.
Without prior written permission of the administration, the following are prohibited:
- Distribution, sale, or posting of any goods, written materials, or pictures.
- Assemblies, meetings, or “demonstrations”.
Substitute Teachers
Surveillance Cameras
Surveillance cameras may be located in school buildings and on school grounds. The primary purpose for using surveillance cameras in the District is to provide a safe and secure environment for all students, staff and visitors. Cameras will only be placed in public areas such as entrances, hallways, cafeterias, libraries, athletic areas and parking lots. Cameras will not be located in private areas such as restrooms and locker rooms. The cameras may record sounds and images and such sounds and images may be stored electronically, in printed or recorded form. The stored images are the property of the District. The District reserves the discretion to refuse to provide copies to students, parents, staff, community members or other individuals or groups. In cases where surveillance recordings involve student disciplinary action, the recording may become part of that student’s record and shall be dealt with consistent to the District’s student records policy and procedures. Disciplinary action may be taken based on video documentation. Cameras will be monitored throughout the school day, however, the District does not guarantee that the cameras will be monitored at all times. (sb Policy 734)
The building principal or their designee may suspend a student for not more than five school days, or, if notice of expulsion hearing has been sent, not more than a total of 15 consecutive school days in accordance with state law.
A student may be suspended for:
- Noncompliance with school or School Board rules or teacher rules made with the School Board’s consent; or,
- Knowingly conveying any threat or false information concerning an attempt or alleged attempt being made or to be made to destroy any school property by means of explosives; or,
- Conduct by the student while at school or while under the supervision of a school authority that endangers the property, health or safety of others which includes making a threat to the health or safety of a person or making a threat to damage property; or
- Conduct while not at school or while not under the supervision of a school authority that endangers the property, health or safety of others at school or under the supervision of a school authority or endangers the property, health or safety of any district employee or School Board member which includes making a threat to the health or safety of a person or making a threat to damage property.
Repeated violations may lead to expulsion. In addition, students shall be suspended when required by law. Suspensions may be in-house or out-of-school as determined by the administration.
A suspended student shall not be denied the opportunity to take any quarterly, semester or grading period examinations or to complete coursework missed during the suspension period (SB Policy 447.2; Wisconsin Statutes Section 120.13).
Technology: Student Appropriate Use Policy
Technology resources provided by the School District of South Milwaukee are for educational purposes only. Acceptable uses are those which support the District mission and vision.
- Access to the technology system is a privilege not a right; and each student will be held responsible for their actions on the technology system. Inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state, and federal laws and can lead to prosecution under those laws.
- Students failing to abide by the Appropriate Use Policy may lose network/computer privileges along with consequences that may arise from violations of normal school rules, up to and including possible expulsion.
- All aspects of the technology system are the District’s property. The District can review all electronic documents, messages, or information for any reason at any time.
- The District technology system shall be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.
- The District will provide students access to technology resources, including the Internet, unless the parent/guardian notifies the appropriate building principal in writing that the District should prevent access to technology resources for their student(s).
- Students are responsible to follow the entire Student Appropriate Use for School Computer Systems School Board Policy 362.2, located on the District and high school websites.
All High School students will receive a Chromebook, charger, and carrying case for use at school and at home as part of the district 1:1 Chromebook initiative. Chromebooks and chargers will be collected by the technology department at the end a student’s senior year, or prior to a student’s withdrawal.. Students that fail to abide by the policies outlined in the SDSM 1:1 Chromebook Guide may lose Chromebook privileges and may incur school consequences that may arise from violations of normal school rules, up to and including expulsion.
Use and guidelines of the District Technology System
- All use of District technology resources, including access to the Internet, must be in support of the educational objective of the District. All Board policies must be followed when using any technology resource.
- Use of District technology to access and/or distribute any material that violates U.S., state, or School Board policy is prohibited.
- Use of technology to access/use copyrighted materials, pornography, materials harmful to minors, obscene materials and/or similar materials is prohibited.
- Students may not use the District’s technology system in an offensive, harassing, illegal, or defamatory manner. Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks, cyber bullying, and other antisocial behaviors are unacceptable in Internet and other network communications. The District prohibits the use of the system to send or receive offensive or improper messages such as derogatory messages about other students or staff members. In addition, the District prohibits the use of the technology system in any way that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others.
- Use of proxy sites to bypass District web filters is prohibited.
- All information accessible through the Internet should be assumed to be private property and subject to copyright protection. Internet sources should be credited appropriately, as with the use of any copyrighted material.
- Students have a responsibility to respect the privacy and property of other users. Students should not intentionally seek information about, obtain copies of, or modify, files, data or passwords of other users. A student will not allow another student to access computers or network resources using their login credentials.
- For their own safety, students should not reveal any personal information, such as addresses, phone numbers, or photographs.
- Employing the Internet for commercial purposes is prohibited. Students may not use the system to solicit for commercial activities, religious, or political causes, outside organizations or other non-school related matters without prior authorization from the building principal.
- Students should not expect that files stored on district servers will always be private. School and network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and to ensure that the network is being used responsibly.
- Technology resources must be handled with care. Physical damage or network interruptions such as the introduction of viruses or deleting of files are prohibited.
- No eating or drinking near computers.
- Students are directed to keep passwords for their own private use and should log-off network when leaving the desktop station.
- Students may not access social networking sites (such as Instagram, Facebook, etc.), personal websites, personal blogs, online gambling sites or personal email accounts on District computers except for educational purposes specifically approved by the classroom teacher.
- Students may not engage in cyber-bullying activities.
- Students may not load, save, download, or otherwise install software on technology without approval from the District technology department.
- Students who create web pages, blogs, profiles or other online postings that result in the student’s online posting being accessed and viewed in the school environment may be disciplined if there is a disruption at the school as a result of the online posting.
- Students may not use the District’s technology system to develop programs or to institute practices that harass other users or gain unauthorized access to any entity on the system. Students may not damage the components of an entity on the system.
Textbooks, Computers and School Materials
It is the intent of the South Milwaukee Board of Education that all students in the school district be provided access to a current and balanced collection of instructional materials. These materials should depict in an accurate and unbiased way the diversity and pluralistic nature of American society, and support the locally established philosophy and objectives of education.
- Chromebooks, textbooks and some school materials are furnished to students.
- School equipment is for school-related projects only. Students are not permitted to do personal work, correspondence, etc., on school equipment.
- Students will be held responsible to pay for items that are lost, stolen, or damaged.
Transportation Expectations
Students are expected to behave appropriately while riding a school bus or in a District vehicle. Ridership guidelines listed below are not all inclusive. The school district reserves the right to modify the rules and consequences at any time, and may use video cameras to assist with disciplinary issues. All school rules apply while on a bus, or in a District vehicle, for school district activities or events. Students may be denied bus transportation or the ability to ride in a District vehicle if they fail to follow these important guidelines:
1. Ride only on assigned vehicles.
2. Do not push another person when getting on or off a bus or in our out of a District vehicle..
4. Show respect for the drivers. They are responsible for the orderly conduct of all passengers and will report behavior problems.
5. Show respect for fellow students and share seats.
6. Drivers may require students to sit in assigned seats. Remain seated until the vehicle stops. Do not change seats unless instructed to by the driver.
7. Keep arms, legs, head and other objects inside the vehicle and out of the aisles. Each student must keep hands and arms to themselves.
8. Wait for the driver’s signal to cross in the front of a vehicle. If the student needs to cross the street in a different area, they should wait on the sidewalk until the vehicle leaves the area, and cross at the nearest crosswalk.
9.Quiet and normal conversation with fellow riders is acceptable. Yelling, screaming, or profane language will not be tolerated.
Students are prohibited from receiving visitors during the school day. Parents and other adult visitors with legitimate school business at South Milwaukee High School must enter and sign-in at the high school office. A Visitor Pass must be obtained and remain visible at all times while in the building, and be returned to the office upon sign-out when leaving the building. Visitors entering the building must provide a driver’s license or valid State ID.Unauthorized persons will be referred to school officials for appropriate action. Students may not bring others to visit during school hours unless authorized by an administrator prior to the day of the visit. Visitors must present a valid picture ID upon check-in at the main office before being allowed to enter the building.
Withdrawing From School
State law requires attendance in school until the student reaches the age of 18 years or unless the student has graduated from high school. With school board and parental permission, a student may enroll in an alternative program leading to a high school diploma or its equivalent.
To withdraw from school, you must complete the sign-out process, which includes:
- Obtain a withdrawal form from your school counselor.
- Have parent/guardian sign the form.
- All books and materials should be returned to teachers for clearance.
- Meet all financial obligations.
- Return the completed withdrawal form to your school counselor.
- Indicate on the form your reason for withdrawing and where you will be continuing your high school education.
Work Permits
Students 14-15 year old students need a Work Permit. The link to the DWD website is on the High School website on the “For Families” page, as well as being linked below.
Students should not be placed in situations where they are alone or without adult supervision.
(Wis. Employment of Minors Guide-Equal Rights Division)
Maximum Hours of Work for 14 & 15 year-old minors |
After Labor Day through May 31 |
June 1 through Labor Day |
Daily Hours |
Non-School Days |
8 hours |
8 Hours |
School Days |
3 Hours |
3 Hours |
Weekly Hours |
18 Hours |
40 Hours |
Permitted Time of Day |
7:00am-7:00pm |
7:00am-9:00pm |