Health Services Room
High School Health Room
The High School health room is open on a limited basis to advise students regarding health matters. The District nurse conducts health-screening programs, which include vision screenings on all new students upon request of a parent/guardian. The nurse maintains immunization records of all students. The Public Health Department may offer Tetanus-Diphtheria immunizations for interested freshmen. Vision screening is also held for sophomore students during fall registration.
When a serious health problem exists, students and/or parents can consult with the principal, guidance counselor, or school nurse. They will cooperate with you and your family physician to allow the student to achieve their highest level of performance.
No school employee may dispense any medications, prescription or non-prescription, without written consent from a parent or legal guardian. Prescription medications may not be dispensed without additional written approval and instructions from the physician who prescribed the medication. Students found to be in possession of prescription medications may be subject to disciplinary action.
When students must take medication (including inhalers and EpiPens) during school hours for a chronic or temporary health problem, it is necessary to have the required written authorizations on file in the Health Office prior to the medication being dispensed. This written permission must state the amount of medication and the time it is to be administered. It is further understood that this must be done for each individual student with a health problem and each individual illness of a student. You may download the forms below for the appropriate kind of medication.
All prescribed medications are kept in a locked area except as otherwise directed by the physician. All medication is to be taken under school supervision. School personnel cannot provide aspirin or other medicine to students without written authorization from a parent/guardian. All medications not picked up on the last day of the school year will be destroyed.
Students are responsible for remembering to take their medication according to the schedule set up by the school nurse. Reminders will not be sent.
*Note: Students with inhalers used for asthma, or EpiPens are allowed to carry them while at school, under the following conditions:
The pupil must use the inhaler or EpiPen for the symptoms for which they were prescribed.
The pupil must have the written approval of his/her physician and, if the pupil is a minor, the written approval of the parent or guardian.
The school must have a copy of the written approval provided by the pupil.
Pupils may, at their option, provide the inhaler/EpiPen to a staff member when engaged in physical activity; in the alternative, the pupil may possess the inhaler on his/her person during such activities. If the student retains the inhaler upon his/her person, it is the responsibility of the student to advise the staff member that the student has retained possession of the inhaler when engaged in such physical activities. (s118.291)
District Nurse Information
High School Health Room: